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Today we had just the workshops so our day was so much shorter than on the last days. Initially when we got the task I thought that it is more difficult than like these from the other days.
We were working in the bigger groups than before because we had to do something that needed the more pairs of hand to complete it. This was an animation and we had to choose one of the quotations for the main idea. We chose the quotation of Louisa May Alcott : “I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship”. Everyone in our group got the request to do. For example one person was making the background, second one was preparing the little things that can move like the waves, a boat or the clouds, and the other person was working on the sounds. To make our animation we could use the crayons, the cartoons and the pieces of paper. At the beginning I questioned that we can do everything in that short time. I was wrong and I really fast realized that we can really do this animation very quickly. It was the next day when we had fun again, and it memorized me when I was a little girl and together with my sister we were doing the little theatres using just the paper toys. For me the most important experience was our cooperation when we were doing a performance. We needed to work in 6 people to show our animation. It seemed to be little hard because we had really not too much space for it and we had to match together but we did everything pretty well, so it was good lesson for me that if you respect the other people you can work together no matter in the what conditions.
Having experienced today’s cooperation in my group I now know that the people should never judge the situation before they will not try to do something. It is very easy to say that you cannot do something and you can just give up but it is going nowhere. We always should to try and only after that we can say how It was. Because sometimes, something can looks impossible but it can be very easy in real.
'Today' (ale mozna tez napisac, On the third day, on the fourth day) we had just the workshops so our day was so much shorter than 'on' (po co to slowo tutaj jest?) the last days. Initially when we got the task I thought that it 'is' (ale mowisz o czasie przeszlym, to trzeba uzywac czasownikow czasu przeszlego, popraw), more difficult than 'like these' (to jest zle, napisz 'those') from the other days.
We were working in 'the' (niepotr) bigger groups than before because we had to do something that needed 'the' (niepotr) more pairs of handS (bo masz pairs) to complete it.
Everyone in our group got' the request to do' (tutaj cos jest pokrecone. Nie za bardzo rozumiem). For example one person 'was making' (a dlaczego nie 'made', albo had to make') the background, (daj tutaj przedimek) second 'one' (niepotr) was preparing the little things that can move like the waves, a boat or the clouds, and the 'other' (daj slowo 'third') person was working on the sounds.
At the beginning I questioned 'that' (to jest zle slowo, bo tak sie nie mowi, daj tutaj 'if') we 'can' (could) do everything in that short (tu brakuje przedimka) time. I was wrong and I really 'fast' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj 'quickly' poczytaj o roznicy) realized that we 'can' (could) really do this animation very quickly. It was the next day when we had fun again, and it 'memorized' (nie, tut masz zle slowo, reminded') me OF when I was a little girl and together with my sister we were doing 'the' (wg mnie niepotr) little theatres using just the paper toys.
We needed to work in (a group of) 6 people to show our animation. It seemed to be (brak przedimka) little hard because we had 'really' (co to jest z tym slowem, uzywasz jego za czesto, a to nic nie dodaje, tylko podkresla, ze slownictwo nie jest rowiniete) not too much space for it and we had to 'match' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) together but we did everything pretty well, so it was (przedimek) good lesson for me that if you respect the other people you can work together no matter in 'the' (niepotr) what conditions.
Having experienced today’s cooperation in my group I now know that the people should never judge the situation before they 'will not' (niepotr, i calkowicie zle) try to do something. It is very easy to say that you cannot do something and you can just give up but it 'is going' (nie, lepiej napisz 'leads you') nowhere. We always should 'to' (niepotr) try and only after that we can say how it was. 'Because' (staraj sie nie zaczynac zdan z tym slowem, sa inne, ale tutaj wystarczy tak jak jest) Sometimes, something can 'looks' (nie, tutaj prosta forms 'look' poczytaj o uzywaniu slow po modalu) impossible but it can be very easy in realITY (albo in the real world.)

Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the) - nie za bardzo rozumiesz kiedy one powinny byc uzywane, a to 'lets you down.'
To make our animation we could use the crayons, the cartoons and the pieces of paper.
Co to jest CARTOONS (w tym zdaniu)? Poza tym, przedimki niepotrzebne.
edytowany przez Aaric: 16 wrz 2016


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