Konstrukcje, uzupełnianie zdań.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie zdań i poprawienie tam, gdzie jest źle. :) Z góry dziękuję!

1. Staying behind after hours at work (sprawia, że trudno jej) makes her hard to establish good relationships with her husband at home.
2. (Jeśli nie każą mi) Unless they tell me refill the...
3. The manager announced that effective from 1 May, overtime pay would double, (co było mądrym) which was a wise move on his part.
4. Usually Sally (lubi być chwalona) likes being praised (or) likes to be praised by her superiors but when Mike, the chief executive, told her (że podoba mu się jej) that he liked her lipstick, she blushed.
5. Senor Fuentes (powiedział mi, żebym nie) told me not to tease the bulls.
6. Stop (rzucać sie poduszkami) throwing pillows to each other!
7. If (sama tego nie zrobisz) you don't do it on your own (or) by yourself you will always regret it.
8. All the pencils (zostały naostrzone) had been sharpened so that ...
9. And even (sam John) John himself agreed that....
10. (Nie mam nic przeciwko) I don't mind you using my spoon...
11. This is the manager (o którym mówi sie, że wziął) is said to take a bribe.
12. May unintentionally introduced her sister to a man (o którym mówili się, ze jest) was said to be one of the most irresistible womanizers.
13. I (żałuje, że się jej oswiadczyles) wish you hadn't proposed to her.
14. (Nigdy wcześniej nie widziałam) I've never seen before such a beautiful woman.
15. It's the first time (kiedy widzę) since I've seen the Leaning Tower of Piza.
16. (Nie trzeba było prasować) It wasn't necessary to iron this pair of trousers.
17. You have never been abroad, (Czyż nie tak?) Haven'y you?
18. February 14 was the last time I saw him alive. (Nie przypominam sobie, żebym rozmawiał) I don't recall talking to him later.
19. (Zamiast grać) Instead of playing chess all the time, you should....
20. I bought (metal czerwona) metal red night stand at the sales.
21. After that he had done to our relationship I tried (unikać spotykania) to avoid meeting him in the streets.
22. The Government did nothing to improve the situation of (bezdomnych) homeless people. (Nie wprowadził też) It didn't pass also any laws....
23. Henry had never experienced family life (zanim spotkał) before he meets Jeanette.
24. Parents find it difficult to convince their children that (coś tak okropnego jak) something so/such disgusting like spinach....
25. (Ja przecież tylko pocałowałam) her I only kissed her. I did not suggest (żeby wyszła za) her marry me.
26. Take the back door, since the front room (jest w remoncie) is under renovation at the moment.
27. Roads are so icy and dangerous that (jak tylko dojedziesz do) as soon as you go home, text me.
28. (Nie pozwolono jej przystąpić) She wasn't allowed to take the exam.
1. Staying behind after hours at work (sprawia, że trudno jej) makes (tu brakuje slowa) 'her hard' (cos tu nie tak) to establish good relationships with her husband at home.
2. (Jeśli nie każą mi) Unless they 'tell' (tell to troche za lagodnie jak na kaza) me refill the...
3. ok
4. ok.
5. ok
6. Stop (rzucać sie poduszkami) throwing pillows 'to' (moze AT) each other!
7. yourself
8. ok
9. ok
10. ok
11. This is the manager WHO is said to take a bribe.
12. May unintentionally introduced her sister to a man WHO was said to be one of the most irresistible womanizers.
13. ok
14. I've never 'seen before' (zla kolejnosc slow) such a beautiful woman.
15. ok
16. ok
17. You have never been abroad, 'Haven'y' (nie, tutaj samo 'have') you?
18. ok
19. ok.
20. I bought 'metal red' (zla kolejnosc slow) night stand at the sales.
21. After that he had done (tu cos brakuje) to our relationship...ok.
22. It 'didn't pass also' (zla kolejnosc slow, najpierw 'also') any laws....
23. ok.
24. something 'so' AS disgusting like spinach....
25. I did not suggest THAT SHE 'her' (zle slowo) marry me.
26. ok.
27. as soon as you 'go' (zle slowo, tutaj GET) home, text me.
28. ok
Dzięki wielkie!
Co brakuje w 21?
Popatrzylam sie jeszcze raz na to zdanie.
21. After 'that' (tu jest zle slowo, powinno byc WHAT) he had done to our relationship I tried ....
15. ok
you don't say
Cytat: Aaric
15. ok
you don't say

It's good that you're keeping an eye on me, for unlike JK I sometimes do make mistakes. Here (nr 15) in fact, it should be:
It's the first time THAT I've seen the Leaning Tower of Piza.
22. Ja bym powiedział że nie używamy 'also' w negatywnych zdaniach.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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