
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ponownie proszę o sprawdzenie odpowiedzi na poniższe pytania:
- When and where do you normally listen to music?
I listen to music at home, but sometimes I listen to music in train. Generally I listen to music in the evening.
I also like listen to music when I am cooking.
- What kind of music do you listen to?
I usually listen to pop music, rarely rock music. My favourite band is Coldplay. Their songs I can listen to all day without break.
- Did your parents listen to a lot of music when you were growing up?
My parents did not listen to a lot of music when I am growing up. Sometimes they listen to disco polo or band called Abba.
- Is your taste in music similar in any way to your parents?
My taste in music is quite similar to my parents. We do not like rap, but we like pop music. However my parents like disco polo music and I can not stand this kind of music.
- Do you tend to have friends who share your musical tastes?
My friends do not share my musical tastes. They like many different kind of music. One of them like rock, others classical music or hip hop.
- If you could be a word- class musician what instrument would you choose to play?
If I could be a word- class musician I would choose to play the guitar, because I think I can easily learn this. I like sounds of guitar.
I always would like to learn play violin. It will be great, if I can play in big orchestra.
Nanieś trochę przedimków.
Problem z czasami, np w paragrafie "My parents..."
edytowany przez Aaric: 04 sty 2017
Jeśli pytanie zaczynało się od:
Did your parents, to czy odpowiedziedź nie powinna byc w tym samym czasie?
tak, powinna być
'when you were growing up' jest troche dziwne, więc zastąp to np. 'kiedy byłeś dzieckiem'
Cytat: PiA39
Jeśli pytanie zaczynało się od:
Did your parents, to czy odpowiedziedź nie powinna byc w tym samym czasie?
Nie chodzi o czas w tym miejscu.
edytowany przez Aaric: 05 sty 2017
'when you were growing up' jest ok.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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