prosze o sprawdzenie kilku zdan :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie oto tych zdan:
I would like to share with all of you who are interested in this beautiful country, how exactly it is here.

I am gonna write about work in Norway, schools, the languange and how to start being a part of the norwegian community.

Today I will write someting about moving to Norway, how you can start to prepare yourself for something that important as the moving to another country. The most of people moving here, did it because of economical issues.

Some of the people who moved here, did it because of the nature and beautiful landscapes, others because of family, or just wanted to try something new.

If You want to work in cleaning companies or on building sites then you can find a job with english.

I think that the easiest way to get a job if you do not have any contacts here, is signing up in private recruitment agencies.

We have been together already in almost 7 years, and we were 4 years in long distance relationship, he lived in Poland, and went to high school while I were here in Norway.

today I want to write about finding of accomodation

Thanks to him we could get the real New York experience. He even took us to for a fancy dinner to the famous restaurant Seredipity 3

I will share my plan with you when I will be writing about select days.

Z gory dziekuje za wysilek:) Pozdrawiam, PW