Dear editor 2

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Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to the article which was published in yesterday’s edition of your newspaper. The author encouraged to take part jn demonstration agains the local disafforestation, claiming that it is the only way to draw people’s attenion to environmental problems. I strongly disagree with the presenter opinion and find it unjustified.

There are numerous other ways to promote pro-ecological behaviour. Firstly, it would be reasonsble to find a public figure, who would take part in a pro-ecological advertisement.Such celebrity erdosement surely would draw people’s attention and encourage them to pre-ecological life. Another solution is to introduce lessons at schools, wchich would show children how Mother Nature is important for people. It certainly would influence on their future attitude towards environment.

Demonstrations surely are very effective, but may lead to dome unpredictable misdeeds. Two weeks ago, the pro-ecological sociery in my town organised a protest against excessive usage of plastic bags in the local shopping mall.. The demonstration was not very peaceful: the people were yelling, showing their anger and dissatisfaction. As the shouts were increasing, the owner of the mall decided to give a speech. Suddenly, a captured man attacked him, which started another fights among the protesters. Only the police could stop the riot…

To my mind pro-ecological demonstrations are dangerous and may lead to disturbances. I am curious to know what other readers think about this issue and hope you will publish my letter.
encourage jest przechodni.

a ja się z tobą nie zgadzam - żeby rosły drzewa, trzeba wsadzić Szyszkę i do tego protesty są potrzebne.
Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to the article which was(niepotrzebne) published in yesterday’s edition of your newspaper(jakiej) tytul). The author encouraged to take (gerund tzw. koncowka - ing)part jn (skoro to jest jedna demonstracja to pewnie jest wazna wiec przedimek okreslony)demonstration agains the local disafforestation, claiming that(zacznij juz nowe zdanie: on twierdzi,że...) it is the only way to draw people’s attenion to environmental problems. I strongly disagree with the presenter(raczej inne słowo autor czy cos) opinion and (podmiot jeszcze raz) find it unjustified.

There are numerous other (niepotrz) ways to promote pro-ecological behaviour. Firstly, it would be reasonsble to find a public figure, who would take part in a pro-ecological advertisement.Such (przedimek okreslony) celebrity (dopełniacz koncowka 's) erdosement surely(niepotrebne troche nieformalne) would draw people’s attention(powtarza sie juz drugi raz warto urozmaicic) and encourage them to (brakuje czasownika uczestniczyc) pre-ecological life. (moze zamienic to wyrazenie na tłumaczenie :środowiskowo-przyjazny styl zycia) Another solution is to introduce lessons at schools, wchich would show children how Mother Nature is important for people. It certainly would influence on(bez tego) their future attitude towards environment.

Demonstrations surely(nieformalne) are very effective, but may lead to dome unpredictable misdeeds. (raczej zmienic nierozumiem)Two weeks ago, the pro-ecological sociery in my town organised a protest against excessive usage of plastic bags in the local shopping mall.. The demonstration was not very peaceful: the people were yelling, showing their anger and dissatisfaction. As the shouts were increasing, the owner of the mall decided to give a speech. Suddenly, a captured (kalka pamietaj robin hood) man attacked him, which started(dobrze by tu pasował phrasal verb ze słowem "spust" sprawdz) another fights among the protesters. Only the police could(to zatrzymala czy nie, sprobuj dosłowne tłumaczenie" byla w stanie" z wyrazem able) stop the riot…

To my mind pro-ecological demonstrations are dangerous and may lead to disturbances. I am curious (as) to know(bez tego) what other readers think about this issue and hope you will publish my letter.
Błędy zaraz posprawdzam i dam znac jesli czegos nie rozumiem
Wie Pan co, moze i tak, ale polecenie wymagalo ode mnie tego, zeby nie zgodzic sie z opinia autora i zaproponowac inne rozwiazania
Nieee no niby dlaczego celebrity endorsement zostalo mi poprawione?
Celebrity endorsement = udział znanej osoby w reklamie
To taki zwrot
masz racje Patrycja , po prostu chodzilo mi o konkretna osobe ale był za słaby kontekst wstaw tak jak znalazłaś , the (tutaj jeszcze raczej bez ptzedimka) local disafforestation
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