Kilka zdań - sprawdzenie [LICEUM]

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, prosiłbym o sprawdzenie tych zdań, czy jest poprawnie.

Pierwsze trzy to odpowiedzi do obrazka.
Jest dwóch młodych chłopków z plecakami i zeszytami i siedzą na ławce na tle budynku. I pytania:

1. What do you think the boys are going to do next ?
2. How would you friends describe you ?
3. Tell me about an argument you or someone you know has recently had.

1. They are probably in school, so I suppose that, they will go to lesson.
2. I think that, they would describe me as kind, helpful, smiley and reliable person.
3. Two days ago I had an argument with my friend. I lent him my favourite pants, and he tore them.

I drugie zadanie, trzeba było odpowiedzieć na pytania:
1. What did you look like at the age of five?
2. What did your parents look like when they were in their twenties?
3. How old were you when you first fell in love?
4. What qualities do you have in common with your parents/brother/sister?
5. What sort of things do you worry about. ?
6. Do you sometimes feel fed up with everything?
7. What sort of people do you look up to?Why?
8. What puts you in a good mood?
9. Do you function well under stress or does it get you down?
10. What are you especially interested in?
11. Are you ever angry with your best friend?

1. At the age of five I was short, skinny. I had fair, long hair and pale complexion.
2. When my parents were in their twenties, they were slimmer and had less wrinkles. They dressed old fashion clothes.
3. When I first fell in love I had 10 years, but it wasn’t true love.
4. Me and my dad both like cars. We are hard-working and we like spend time outdoor.
5. I am worry when I have exam with math, or when I have to fast decide about something important.
6. Yes, I sometimes fell fed up with everything, especially when I sleep too short, because then I am tired and angry.
7. I look up to people who achieved something, for example Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, because I admire and would like to be like they.
8. I have good mood when I have no worries and I can relax.
9. I hate stress, it get me down, but also very usually it motivates for action.
10. I interested in cars. I like watching every race, among others F1, Le Mans, WRC.
11. Yes, I was angry with my best friend, when he lay me that he had to stay at home, and really came to party.

Z góry dziękuje
1. At the age of five I was short AND skinny. I had fair, long hair and pale complexion.
2. When my parents were in their twenties, they were slimmer and had less wrinkles. They USED TO dressed IN old fashion clothes.
3. When I first fell in love I had 10 years, but it wasn’t true love.
4. Me and my dad both like cars. We are hard-working and we like spend time outdoorS.
5. I am worry when I have ___ exam with math, or when I have to fast decide about something important.
6. Yes, I sometimes fell fed up with everything, especially when I sleep too short NP. DOSŁ: NIE DOSTANĘ DOŚĆ SNU, because then I am tired and angry.
7. I look up to people who achieved something, for example Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, because I admire and would like to be like they.
8. I have good mood when I have no worries and I can relax.
9. I hate stress, it get me down, but also very usually it motivates for action. NIE WIEM CO TO JEST. POMAGAŁEŚ TRANSLATOREM?
10. I ___ interested in cars. I like watching every race, among others DAJ NA KONIEC F1, Le Mans, WRC.
11. Yes, I was angry with my best friend, when he lay ___ me that he had to stay at home, and really came to party.
Dziękuje bardzo za odpowiedź

1. At the age of five I was short and skinny. I had fair, long hair and pale complexion.
2. When my parents were in their twenties, they were slimmer and had less wrinkles. They used to dress in old fashion clothes. NIE ROZUMIEM ZA BARDZO CO JEST NIE TAK Z LESS
3. When I first fell in love I was 10 years old, but it wasn’t true love.
4. Me and my dad both like cars. We are hard-working and we like spend time outdoors.
5. I am worried when I have exam with math, or when I have to quickly make a decision about something important. PRZEPRASZAM, NIE ROZUMIEM CO MAM DODAĆ PRZED EXAM ? THE ?
6. Yes, I sometimes fell fed up with everything, especially when I don’t get enough sleep, because then I am tired and angry.
7. I look up to people who achieved something, for example Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, because I admire and would like to be like them.
8. I have good mood when I have no worries and I can relax. NIE ROZUMIEM, CO JEST NIE TAK Z "HAVE" ?
9. I hate stress, it get me down, but also very usually it motivates for action. PRZYZNAJE SIĘ CHCIAŁEM NAPISAĆ "ŻE MOTYWUJE DO DZIAŁANIA" WRZUCIŁEM TO W TŁUMACZA, NIE BYŁ TO NAJLEPSZY POMYSŁ
10. I interested in cars. I like watching every race, F1, Le Mans, WRC among others.
11. Yes, I was angry with my best friend, when he lied to me that he had to stay at home, and really he came to party.
2. wrinkles są policzalne
5 (przedimek) math exam
6 nie 'fell'
8 nie mówimy 'have good mood'
9 wiesz że 'it' to 3 cia os. l.poj - nie może być get
Wciąż są inne błędy


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