Ask questions to the highligted words

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jest okej? Nie ogarniam tego typu zadan

1. They have been studying Polish since November.
What they have been studying since November?

2. The form must be filled in.
What must be filled in ?

3. She will retire in 2012
When she wiill retire?

4. The women have drunk all my whisky
Who have drunk all my whishy ?

5. They are coming to see us
Whar are they doing?
edytowany przez kyos: 30 maj 2017

1. The women have drunk all my whisky
What have the women drunk all of?

2. She will retire in 2012
When will she retire?

3. They have been studying Polish since November.
What have they been studying since November?

4. The form must be filled in.
What must be filled in ?

ALE mam problem z . They are coming to see /us /
ok rozwiazalem samemu

Who are they coming to visit?
w zdaniu z whisky 'all of' nie moze byc w pytaniu, bo jest wytluszczone

pozostale po poprawkach ok
ok rozwiazalem samemu
Cytat: kyos
Who are they coming to visit?

nie visit, ale see
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.