Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie kilku zdań ;)

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Yesterday I got my first car. It's the most beautiful car I ever had. I think that my parents are capable of sensing my needs. When the first time I rode my new car I was really distracted. On the street I overhauled an average cars. In my new car everything is override by new technology. I started work flat out because I need money for petrol.
It's the most beautiful car I (have) ever had.
'When the first time I rode' (za bardzo po polsku, napisz to inaczej) my new car I was really distracted. On the street I 'overhauled' (calkowicie zle slowo, nawet nie wiem o czym mowa) 'an' (dlaczego masz przedimek tutaj?) average cars. In my new car everything is 'override' (a gdzie reszta slowa?) by new technology. I started 'work' (Ja zaczelem praca ciezko? po jakiemu to jest?) flat out because I need money for petrol.
rode ? you always DRIVE a car, never ride a car - but you can 'ride by a train' :) or you can take a bumpy ride through ..all across deserts :)
ride (on) the train
Cytat: terri
It's the most beautiful car I (have) ever had.
'When the first time I rode' (za bardzo po polsku, napisz to inaczej) my new car I was really distracted. On the street I 'overhauled' (calkowicie zle slowo, nawet nie wiem o czym mowa) 'an' (dlaczego masz przedimek tutaj?) average cars. In my new car everything is 'override' (a gdzie reszta slowa?) by new technology. I started 'work' (Ja zaczelem praca ciezko? po jakiemu to jest?) flat out because I need money for petrol.

When the first time I was driving my new car..

I was ahead of the averrage cars (chciałam napisać, że wyprzedzałam inne samochody)

I started working flat out (zaczęłam pracować na pełnych obrotach)

czy tak jest poprawnie?
Masz mylne zrozumienie niektórych idiomów.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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