Job interview

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The job interview is important stage in our lives. That is waiting for each one of us. If we want to be successful and get the job we must follow these rules . Firstly do research about the company and position you applying for. Ignorance is a major mistake. If potential employer notice that you already interested in company he will be more positive set to you. The job interview is official meeting so remember to be punctual. Being late is a sign of disrespect. When you enter greet everyone in the room. Keep smiling and don't show how much you are stressed. Listen carefully and fully answer the questions. Avoid boating, chattering and try not to overload the answers with superfluous informations. Never complain about your previous employers and lie. A lie has no legs and truth always will out. On job interview what you wear is very crucial thing. Your outfit should be elegant, neat. Inproper dress code may be received as disregard to potential employer. Don't forget to take your smile and enthusiasm with you. Smiling people are better perceived. Body posture is next important thing. Try to have control over your gesture and posture - when gesticulating do not wave your hands. Avoid pretentious and pretended attitude. Attempt to be calm and speak in correct but natural way. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Avoid touching your nose and lips - it may looks if you were lying. Don't forget to switch off your cell phone! Switched on and ringing phone is one of cardinal sins on job interview. During job interview you will be asked about salary. Think over your financial expectations and be prepared to negotiate. This issue is always raised. Over questions can appear, for example: 'Can you list three of your strong and weak points?', 'Do you have any hobbies?', 'Do you prefer working on your own or in the team?' so you should prepare yours answers. But the employer should not ask you about your martial status, children, religion, sexual orientation etc. These informations are generally useless. Remember that first 20 seconds, first 20 words, first 20 gesture may be crucial in 80% of situations for your employment-to-be. At the end of the job interview you may ask whether there are any other recruitment stages or when you can expect any informations from the company. Remember to wait for your potential employer to extend their hand on the end of the interview. These few rules can decide on successful job interview and getting the job.
Wiem że jest w tym mnóstwo błędów dlatego proszę o pomoc z ich poprawieniem.
Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, will, shall, would, should and must) are followed by a bare infinitive.
Brakuje przedimków.
Popełniasz podstawowe błędy. W tym krótkim urywku jest ich kilka
If _ potential employer notice_ that you _ already interested in _ company...
Never complain about your previous employers and lie. ja bym zmienił szyk
A lie has no legs and truth always will out. ?
Avoid pretentious and pretended attitude. ?
edytowany przez Aaric: 04 paź 2017
Avoid boating, chattering and try not to overload the answers with superfluous informations 2 byki
Don't forget to take your smile and enthusiasm with you. ja bym tu dał 'bring' Jeżeli odwalasz zdania z innych źródeł, uważaj na kontekst.
Try to have control over your gesture and posture jeden gest?
edytowany przez Aaric: 04 paź 2017
Czyli całość jest do wywalenia... jak to poprawić żeby to chociaż miało ręce i nogi
Nie koniecznie do 'wywalenia'. Spróbuj uzupełnić brakujące przedimki. Mogłbyś coś napisać coś od siebie zamiast kopiowania zdań z innych stron. Jeżeli ja wiem ze to nie twoje zdania, twój teach też się połapie ;))
edytowany przez Aaric: 04 paź 2017
Dlatego, ze lubie sie bawic...
The job interview is (brak przzedimka) important stage in our lives.
Firstly do research about the company and (przedimek) position you applying for.
If (przedimek) potential employer 'notice' (emplopyer to tutaj 3os.l.poj) that you (brak slowa) already interested in (przedimek) company he will be more 'positive' (zla czesc mowy) set to you. The job interview is (przedimek) official meeting so remember to be punctual.
Avoid 'boating' (to jest zlke slowo, nikt nigdzie nie pisal o 'sailing'), chattering and try not to overload the answers with superfluous 'informations' (od kiedy? no od kiedy?).
A lie has no legs and the truth 'always will out' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem). On (przedimek) job interview what you wear is (przedimek) very crucial thing. Your outfit should be elegant(,) gdy mamy tylko 2 rzeczy to lepiej polaczyc z 'and') neat. 'Inproper' (tzn jaki' high heels and stockings?) dress code may be received as (przedimek) disregard to (przedimek) potential employer. Don't forget to 'take' (lepiej 'bring') your smile and enthusiasm with you.
Body posture is (przedimek) next important thing.
Avoid (przedimek) pretentious and (przedimek) pretended attitude. Attempt to be calm and speak in 'correct' (tzn jak? musisz wytlumaczyc) but natural way.
Avoid touching your nose and lips - it may 'looks' (popraw, tu mamy modal) if you were lying.
Switched on and ringing phone is one of (przedimek) cardinal sins 'on' (to jest za polskie 'lepiej 'during') (przedimek) job interview. During (przedimek) job interview you will be asked about (przedimek) salary. 'Over' (zle slowo) questions can appear, for example: 'Can you list three of your strong and weak points?', 'Do you have any hobbies?', 'Do you prefer working on your own or in 'the' (zly przedimek) team?' so you should prepare 'yours' (zle slowo) answers. But the employer should not ask you about your 'martial' (Tai-Kwondo?) status, children, religion, sexual orientation 'etc' (nigdy nikt nie zapytal mnie 'o moje etc', co to znaczy?). These 'informations' (popraw) are generally useless. Remember that (przedimek) first 20 seconds, (przedimek) first 20 words, (przedimek) first 20 'gesture' (tutaj l. mnoga) may be crucial in 80% of situations for your employment-to-be. At the end of the job interview you may ask whether there are any other recruitment stages or when you can expect any 'informations' (popraw, bo to razi, ze osoba ktora nie wie, moze uzywac gdzie indziej slowa z wyzszej polki) from the company. Remember to wait for your potential employer to extend their hand 'on' (zle slowo) the end of the interview. These few rules can decide on 'successful' (to jest zle, tutaj trzeba inaczej...the success...) job interview and getting the job.
edytowany przez terri: 05 paź 2017
Jak chcesz się bawić to napisz mu pracę od zera.
Moge napisac, ale to bedzie bardzo duzo kosztowalo.....
Nie mu tylko jej ;)
A job interview is one of the most important events. If you want to be successful and get a dream job you have to follow below rules. First of all, you should conduct research on the company and position you are applying for. Ignorance is a major mistake. If potential employer notices that you are already interested in the company he will be more positive towards you. The job interview is an official meeting thus it is good to remember to be punctual. Being late is a sign of disrespect. When you enter the room greet everyone that is there. Keep smiling and don't show how much you are stressed. Listen carefully and provide complex answers to given questions. Avoid boating, chattering and try not to overload your answers with unnecessary information. Never complain about your previous employers and lie. A lie has no legs and truth always comes out. Remember that what you are wearing during job interview is a crucial thing. Your outfit should be elegant and neat. Improper dress code may be received as disregard to potential employer. Don't forget to take your smile and enthusiasm with you. Smiling people are better perceived. Body posture is another important thing. Try to have control over your gesture and posture, when gesticulating, try not to wave your hands. Avoid pretentious and pretended attitude. Attempt to be calm and speak in appropriate but natural way. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Avoid touching your nose and lips - it may look like you are lying. Don't forget to switch off your cell phone! Switched on and ringing phone is one of cardinal sins on job interview. During job interview you will be asked about salary. Think over your financial expectations and be prepared to negotiate. This issue is always raised. There are some common questions that probably will be asked during the interview, for example: 'Can you list three of your strong and weak points?', 'Do you have any hobbies?', 'Do you prefer working on your own or in the team?' Be ready to answer them and prepare your answers earlier. However, the employer should not ask you about your marital status, children, religion, sexual orientation, etc. This information is generally useless. Remember that first 20 seconds, first 20 words, first 20 gesture may be crucial in 80% of situations for your employment-to-be. At the end of the job interview you may ask whether there are any other recruitment stages or when you can expect feedback from the company. Remember to wait for your potential employer to shake your hand at the end of the interview. These few rules can help you establish successful job interview and in consequences get you the job.
Oddałam w takiej formie, może jest tam dalej pełno błędów ale próbowałam poprawiać
W zdaniach które ściągasz z innych źródeł, założę się że nie ma Avoid boating, ani your gesture and posture,
Remember that what you are wearing during job interview is a crucial thing.
Listen carefully and provide complex answers to given questions. ja bym zastąpił innymi.
Było boating i gesture też, skoro te zdania aż tak rzucają się w oczy to przepisałam tak jak były bez żadnych synonimów czy czegoś
Zdania można z łatwością znaleźć w necie i jest boaSting i gestureS.
Faktycznie mój błąd przepraszam, boast i gesture, jeszcze raz sprawdziłam inne źródła
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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