130 słów - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, prosiłbym o sprawdzenie poprawności poniższego tekstu.
Z góry bardzo dziękuje.
Hi everyone ! Guess what happend last week.
On my 20 birthday i received from my parents tickets for awesome show.
In my city was organised meeting with famous actor Cezary Pazura. I took my friend Jacek and in last Friday we came there. About 7 P.M. meeting started. It was in public library. Very cosy and atmospheric place. This all books and oldfashion furniture make that we felt magic of this place.
Pazura talked about his beginnings in films. He told the various anecdotes of his life and work in cabaret. Listening to Pazura, you can learn a lot and laugh at the same time.
I would like to encourage you to watch a movie with Cezary Pazura, for example „Kiler” or „Nic śmiesznego”. Especially this second movie. This is a comedy, but with a very deep message.
Kolejność słow w zdaniach jakoś 'do tyłu'. Np THE meeting started about... W innych zdaniach też. Spróbuj uzupełnić brakujące przedimki.
This all books and... np All THESE books...
inne błędy
edytowany przez Aaric: 19 paź 2017
Dziękuje za rady, przejrzałem jeszcze raz i poprawiłem to co dostrzegłem i wskazałeś.
Coś jeszcze jest nie tak ?
Hi everyone ! Guess what happend last week.
On my 20 birthday i received from my parents tickets for an awesome show.
In my city was organised the meeting with a famous actor Cezary Pazura. I took my friend Jacek and we came there in last Friday. The meeting started about 7 P.M. It was in a public library. Very cozy and atmospheric place. All these books and an old fashioned furniture make that we felt magic of this place.
Pazura talked about his beginnings in films. He told the various anecdotes of his life and work in cabaret. Listening to Pazura, you can learn a lot and laugh at the same time.
I would like to encourage you to watch a movie with Cezary Pazura, for example „Kiler” or „Nic śmiesznego”. Especially this second movie. This is a comedy, but with a very deep message.
we came there in last Friday. iść gdzieś to nie będzie 'come'
All these books and an old fashioned furniture make that we felt magic of this place. nie stawiamy a/an przed niepoliczalnymi rzeczownikami, prawda? np ...made this place feel magical.
edytowany przez Aaric: 19 paź 2017
Ok, poprawione. Dziękuje bardzo.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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