Will/going to, 0 i 1 okres warunkowy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, proszę o sprawdzenie następujących zadań:

Zadanie 1. Uzupełnij dialog podanymi czasownikami oraz will lub going to.
A: Jane, are you going round to Tina’s house this
evening to watch some DVDs?
B: Yes, I am, Nicky. Do you want to come round with me?
A: Thanks, I (1) will come (come) with you, but what time (2) are you going to go (you go) home
B: I don’t know. It (3) won't be (not be) late though.
A: OK. Do you know what films Tina’s got?
B: No, but she has asked me to bring one. I (4) am going to take (take) Robin Hood.
A: Oh, great. I (5) will ask (ask) her if she wants me to bring something round.
B: What a good idea!

A. Hi Terry. What are you going to do (do) after school today?
B. I think I will go (go) to the library. What about you?
A. I am going to have (have) a coffee with Brian and Marta. Do you want to join us?
B. What time are you going to meet (meet)?
A . 4:30 in the park.I think we'll be playing tennis at the club.
B OK.I will call (call) you later. Bye!

Zadanie 2.
Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie.
1 If we eat (eat) a lot now, we won't be (not be) hungry later on.
2 If children watch (watch) too much TV, they sometimes have (have) problems at school.
3 Mum usually will pick us up (pick us up) if we miss (miss) the bus home.
4 We will get (get) cold if we sit (sit) outside this evening.

5 If we leave (leave) now, we will get (get) there by lunchtime
6 I always feel (feel) bad in the morning if I go (go) to bed late.
7 If you buy (buy) things online, you need (need) to be really careful.
8 You have (have) a smaller carbon footprint if you stop (stop) driving.

Zadanie 3. Dopasuj zdania 1–4 do funkcji wyrażonych w A–D.
1 I’ll come with you now, shall I? B
2 The trees will lose their leaves in autumn. C
3 Look at Jane! She’s going to fall into the pool! A
4 The teacher will definitely leave soon, because she’s having a baby. D
A certainty
B immediate action
C objective truth
D prediction based on evidence

5. I"II pick you up at 5.30. Is that OK ? D
6. We're going to spend a week travelling around France this summer. B
7. Jane will definitely be at Rod's party. She told me so. A
8. Take your coat, it might det really cold leater on. C
A certainty
B plan
C possibility
D immediate decision
edytowany przez bartek0700: 24 paź 2017
scholl to nie po angielsku
2-3 zerowy
fell to czas przeszly
2-8 pierwszy
3-3 3-4 zle

reszta wydaje sie ok
Sorry, literówka, już edytowałem. Po poprawkach:i
Zadanie 2.
3 Mum usually picks us up (pick us up) if we miss (miss) the bus home.

8 You will have (have) a smaller carbon footprint if you stop (stop) driving.

Zadanie 3.
3 Look at Jane! She’s going to fall into the pool! D
4 The teacher will definitely leave soon, because she’s having a baby. A

Nie do końca rozumiem, dlaczego w 2-3 ma być zerowy
edytowany przez bartek0700: 24 paź 2017
powtarzalna sytuacja

will tez tu pasuje, ale nie jako odniesienie do przyszlosci, ale jako typowe dla kogos zachowanie, to jest modalne will.
Ok, dzięki. Mógłbyś jeszcze rzucić okiem na te zadania?

1. Wybierz właściwe uzupełnienie zdań.
1 I will/may/am going to see Tom tomorrow, but I don't know for sure. MAY
2 Ben was to the travel agency yesterdayand he will/may/is going to go on holiday in Italy. IS GOING TO
3 Look at that man! He will/might/is going to jump off the bridge! MIGHT
4 A: It's dark in here.
B: I will/may/am going to switch on the light. WILL
5 Call me any time. I will/may/am going to definitely be at home all day. WILL

2 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie.
1 If babies are (be) hungry, they cry (cry).
2 I won't be (not/be) late for school if the bus comes (come) on time.
3 If my sister looks (look) after our baby, we will go (go) to the cinema.
4 If people eat (eat) too much, they get (get) fat.
5 He don't come (not/come) if we don't invite (not/invite) him.
edytowany przez bartek0700: 25 paź 2017
2 is going to go ma znaczenie 'a jednak wbrew przeciwnosciom losu zaparl sie i pojedzie'
3 nie

5 co? he don't? Dziecko drogie! poza tym nie wiem, czy to jest powtarzalna sytuacja, czy jednorazowa
2 a nie wyraża tutaj planu?
3 dlaczego?
5 miało być won't, literowka. Btw. doesn't tez mogloby byc?
edytowany przez bartek0700: 26 paź 2017
2 napisalem co wyraza
3, juz widac, co sie zaraz stanie
5 doesn't jezeli to sytuacja powtarzalna, jego cecha charakteru
Ok, czyli 2 will, 3 is going to?
2 may, bo will byloby trudne do interpretacji: nagla decyzja?
3 tak

co do 2, nie wiem, na jakim jestes poziomie, ale plany z czasownikami takimi jak go i come wyraza sie przez Present Continuous.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.