HAVE SOMETHING DONE - zadanie do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, mógłbym prosić o sprawdzenie i poprawienie poniższego zadania ?

Uzupełnij każde zdanie tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Wykorzystaj podany wyraz w niezmienionej formie.

1. The privileges of the junior employees haven't been taken away after all.
The junior employees have not had their privileges taken away after all. (HAD)

2. The company is hiring a famous TV chef to prepare the refreshments.
The company has the refreshments prepared by a famous TV chef. (PREPARED)

3. Did she ask her assistant to arrange the meeting for Friday ?
Did she have the meeting arranged by her assistant for Friday? (HAVE)

4. Had many bad things been written about this businessman before?
Had this businessman has had bad things writtten about him before? (HAD)

5. We always ask someone to check out our potential business partners before we sign a deal.
We always have the potential business partners checked out before we sign a deal. (CHECKED)

6. My boss needs to find someone to update our computer systems.
My boss needs someone to have our computer systems updated. (UPDATED)
odpowiedzialem w tamtym watku
2 present cont.
4 czegoś tu za dużo i brak 'many'
5 musi byc 'our', to sa takie niuanse za ktore moga ci odebrac punkty
6 ucieklo ci 'to find'
5 wtedy ten kto odbierze punkty powinien być podmieniony przez kogoś bardziej kompetentnego ;-))


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie