proszę o sprawdzenie krótkiego tekstu :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dzień dobry,
zwracam się z prośbą o sprawdzenie poniższego tekstu. Wiem, że jest on w większości zrozumiały, ale jak wiadomo "diabeł tkwi w szczegółach" :-) dziękuję serdecznie z góry za pomoc!

To start with, I'd like to introduce myself in a few words. (...) I come from Poland which is located in Central Europe. I love travelling so I hope to start working for (firma) in near future. Currently finishing my degree and working as a Spanish teacher.
I discovered your youtube channel thanks to (osoba). Learning about other countries' lifestyle, cuisine and interesting places is one of my favourite things to do in my free time, and this is why I subscribed to (nazwa) vlog few years ago. The videos from/on your channel are very interesting and helpful. I sometimes post comments on them as (mój nick). I appreciate the hard work you put into making the videos and that you share your knowledge with the viewers. Thank you for this. I'm looking forward to watch the new episodes and the health updates.
I wish you good health and all the very best.
zapomniałam o ostatnim zdaniu:
"I enclosed a nice postcard exposing the most popular places to visit in my hometown along with the Christmas card, as the Christmas is slowly knocking on the door!"
Currently finishing my degree and working to chyba nie przejdzie ;-))
postcard exposing the most popular places np showing
the Christmas is slowly knocking on the door!" powoli puka?
w takim razie jak powinno być, żeby nie zaczynać każdego zdania od "I"?
co do knocking on the door - miałam na myśli, że święta powoli zbliżają się wielkimi krokami :)
edytowany przez Aaric: 16 lis 2017
co do knocking on the door - miałam na myśli, że święta powoli zbliżają się wielkimi krokami :) w ang nie ma dosłownego tlumaczenia np 'is just around the corner'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.