Conditionals - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Dostałem zadanie domowe z Conditionali - wstawić w odpowiedniej formie w zakropkowane miejsca. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie czy zrobiłem wszystko ok :) Z góry dziękuję!

1. If you don’t hurry up, you.......(not get) to school on time.
ad.1 If you don’t hurry up, you will not get to school on time

2. I ................(not go) to work on Monday if my daughter is still ill.
ad.2 I will not go to work on Monday if my daughter is still ill.

3. Don’t worry. I .....................(call) you as soon as I open the letter.
ad.3 Don’t worry. I will call you as soon as I open the letter

4. Don’t call the emergency numer unless it.............(be) a real emergency.
ad.4 Don’t call the emergency numer unless it is a real emergency.

5. Peter missed the train. He was late for the meeting. If Peter................. (not miss) the train, he ...............(late) for the meeting.
ad.5 Peter missed the train. He was late for the meeting. If Peter hadn't missed the train, he wouldn't has been late for the meeting

6. You don’t exercise, you don’t feel good. You................(feel)better if you..........(do) some exercises.
ad.6 You don’t exercise, you don’t feel good. You would have felt better if you had done some exercises.

7. Jim bought the wrong book. I had to go to the bookshop and give it back. If Jim..............(buy) a good book, I ..............(give) it back.
ad 7. Jim bought the wrong book. I had to go to the bookshop and give it back. If Jim had bought a good book, I woudn’t have given it back.
w 5 w drugiej luce jedno slowo jest zle
6 zly conditional
7 literowka, a poza tym w drugiej luce uzylbym dodatkowo formy 'have to'
ad.5 Peter missed the train. He was late for the meeting. If Peter hadn't missed the train, he would has been late for the meeting - > teraz chyba ok :) ? - nie wiem dlaczego przepisałem z kartki wouldn't ;)
ad 6. Czyżby powinien być pierwszy? Takiego bym użył jakby nie było tego zdania wcześniejszego, ale szczerze to mnie trochę myli. You will feel better if you do some exercises. - jest ok?
ad 7. no tak faktycznie :)
5 nadal zle
6 nie, zastanow sie, czy zdanie dotyczy pewnej przyszlosci, niepewnej przyslosci, terazniejszosci, czy przeszlosci.