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The dissertation "Comparative study of leading Polish online classifieds websites operating in the real estate market," an attempt was made to make possible a useful assessment of selected websites. As no standards have been created yet, I’m decided to perform own research and to select data of various types from various available sources, collected by various methods. Taking this into consideration, I choose the method of triangulation. A multitude of mixed methods, lack of quidelines standards, differences of opinion between researchers regarding the rightness of using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods caused that it was necessary to face the problem of proper, sufficiently consistent design of the study. The result of the work became a recommendation of changes for individual websites, indicating their strengths and weaknesses.

W pracy „Badanie porównawcze czołowych polskich internetowych serwisów ogłoszeniowych funkcjonujących w branży obrotu nieruchomościami” podjęto próbę dokonania możliwie użytecznej oceny wybranych serwisów internetowych. Jako że nie zostały wypracowane do tej pory standardy w tym zakresie, postanowiono wykonać badania własne oraz wyselekcjonować dane różnych typów z różnych dostępnych źródeł, zebrane różnymi metodami. Na ich podstawie postanowiono dokonać analizy triangulacyjnej. Mnogość technik mieszanych, brak jednolitych standardów, różnice zdań między badaczami co do słuszności stosowania metod ilościowych, jakościowych bądź mieszanych spowodowały, że należało zmierzyć się z problemem właściwego, wystarczająco spójnego zaprojektowania badania. Wynikiem pracy stała się rekomendacja zmian dla poszczególnych serwisów, wskazująca ich silne i słabe strony.
to z translatora?
przetlumacz sam, wtedy ktos zapewne poprawi
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Poprawiłem ten angielski z Tuskiem, mam nadzieję że teraz jest dobrze.
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In the dissertation "Comparative study of leading Polish online classifieds websites operating in the real estate market," an attempt was made to make possible useful assessment of selected websites. As no standards have been created yet, I’m decided to conduct a study, select various types of data from various sources, collected by various methods. Based on these data, the final result was determined by the triangulation method.
A multitude of types of mixed methods, lack of standards, differences of opinion between researchers, regarding the rightness of using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods, caused that it was necessary to face the problem of proper, sufficiently consistent research design. The result of the work became a indication of strengths and weaknesses, with recommendation of changes for each website.
edytowany przez MikiMax: 07 maj 2018
In the dissertation "Comparative study of leading Polish online classifieds websites operating in the real estate market", an attempt was made to make possible useful assessment of selected websites. As no standards have been created yet, I’m decided to conduct a study, select various types of data from various sources, collected by various methods. Based on these data, the final result was determined by the triangulation method.
A multitude of types of mixed methods, lack of standards, differences of opinion between researchers, regarding the rightness of using quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods, caused that it was necessary to face the problem of proper, sufficiently consistent research design. The result of the work became an indication of strengths and weaknesses, with a recommendation of changes for each website.
edytowany przez MikiMax: 07 maj 2018
The dissertation ... sets out to produce a possibly useful...
...I decided... my own study
with a multitude...
rightness - advisability
usun 'caused that'
the outcome of the work is
dissrtation to sie uzywa raczej na prace doktorska
moze research study

caused- moze resulted in the necessity
nie, tu chodzi o prace mgr lub lic., wiec dissertation tak nie razi, ale lepsze thesis
magisterska to thesis, doktorska dissertation
W UK używa się dissertation na mgr.
lepiej jest uzyc slowa 'thesis....
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