Sprawdzi ktos?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. How many medications……… before he……. You to a specialist?
A. Did your GP prescribe, had referred B. had your GP prescribed, referred
c. had your GP prescribed, was referring d. were your GP prescribing, referred
2. You’d…… visit him now as he is so weak it’s impossible to communicate with him.
A. rather not B. not better
c. better not d. not rather
3. Nurse, do you know how high temperature….?
A. has the patient B. the patient’s
c. the patient has d. ‘s the patient
4. From now on, flu injections…….since 9 till 12 daily.
a. will give b. are giving
c. will be given d. will have given
5. What would you do if there……an Ebola case in this hospital?
a. had been b. has been
c. would be d. was
6. It can’t be just that- look at the X-ray, it looks more serious. It……… be pneumonia, I’m sure it is.
a. can’t b. could
c. must d. might
7. This syringe……. To this set.
a. doesn’t belong c. not belongs
b. isn’t belonging d. do not belong
8. Whom shall we tell about his condition first?’ Let’s tell his sister,…………..?
a. we can b. is she
c. don’t we d. shall we
9. You really should…………blood taken again for VZV antibodies after the infection.
a. be having b. has had
c. had d. have
10. He………….. as a certified nurse.
a. never has been registered b. has never been registered
c.been registered never d. registered never has been

Task 2.
Some/a/ of/the/ to/well/additionally/with/being/at

There was an accident at M4 at junction 25-………some………(1) injured was taken to the hospital. The patient arrived…at…(2) the operating theatre relaxed and sleepy and he couldn’t remember……being..(3) involved in the accident. Th anaesthetist started ……with….(4) administering……the…..(5) general anaesthesia as ……well……(6) as ……a….. (7)pump to push mixed gases into the lungs in c? …to…(8) put the patient to sleep. …… additionally ……..(9) analgestics were given so that on walking up the patient does not feel pain in the area…of……(10) the wound.

1. The….. is the inner surface of the hand located between the fingers and the wrist.
a. Paim b. thumb c. scapula d. shoulder girdle
2. Medical…… is defined as the prospect of recovery anticipated by the doctorfrom the usual course of the disease.
a. Prognosis b. prevention c. forecast d. abnormallity
3. The….. system protects the body, regulates body temperature, prevents water loss and senses the external environment.
a. Digestive b. urinary c. circulatory d. integumentary
4. The hair-like vessels-…………..- are responsible for microcirculation.
a. Arterioles b. veins c. capillaries d. arteries
5. The……. stands for lower jaw bone.
a. Hyoid b. atlas c. humerus d. mandible
6. The vertebral column consists of……….. stacked one on top of the other with discs in between.
a. Verteblals b. ribs c. bones d. vertebrae
7. Another word for….. is extremities, or hands and legs.
a. Extras b. limbs c. articulators d. appendix
8. What do you call the air passageway, known as the windpipe, that extends from the larynx to the bronchi?
a. Glottis b. larynx c. trachea d. bronchiole
9. A disease that is persistent and lasting for a long time is called………..
a. Chronic b. bad c. productive d. difficult
10. What do you call a disease that is connected with a profession?
a. Degenerative b. occupational c. neuroplastic d. geriatric
11. If your stools are loose and you often go to the toilet, you probably suffer from…………
a. Spots b. fever c. cough d. diarrhoea
12. This pathology makes the original disease worse.
a. Congestion b. complication c. condition d. aetiology
13. There is no…… for the disease.
a. Aid b. cure c. healing d. healing
14. In medicine, a …..diagnosis is the distinguishing one disease from others that present similar clinical features.
a. Different b. difficult c. differing d. differential
15. The average resting heart rate for athietes is 40-60 heart…. Per minute.
a. Bites b. beats c. bitings d. beets
16. It is important for people to do regular self ………….of their skin to look for any irregular moles that might be cancerous.
a. Consideration b. inspections c. affects d. monitoring
17. Flu symptoms are generally more….than cold symptoms.
a. Mild b. side-effect c. moderate d. severe
18. I often take an…….during the spring months to offset my allergies.
a. Antibiotics b. antidepressant c. anticoagulant d. antihistamine
19. I’m going to…. You some antibiotics to treat your sinus infection.
a. Write b. prescribe c. diagnose d. record
20. Check the patient’s…… records to see if he’s had his measles vaccine yet.
a. Visit b. inspection c. immunization d.own
edytowany przez kolorowa12345: 15 cze 2018
Czy masz pojecie jak to trudno jest sprawdzic. Nie miesci mi sie na stronie. A odpowiedzi gdyby byly w italics, latwiej moznaby je widziec. Nie trace czasu na takie zabawy.
A do tego slowo 'you' piszemy mala litera gdy to jest w zdaniu.
Przepraszam za utrudnienia ;/

1.How many medications……… before he……. you to a specialist?
A.Did your GP prescribe, had referred
B. had your GP prescribed, referred
c. had your GP prescribed, was referring
d. were your GP prescribing, referred

2. You’d…… visit him now as he is so weak it’s impossible to communicate with him.
A. rather not
B. not better
c. better not
d. not rather

3. Nurse, do you know how high temperature….?
A. has the patient
B. the patient’s
c. the patient has
d. ‘s the patient

4. From now on, flu injections…….since 9 till 12 daily.
a. will give
b. are giving
c. will be given
d. will have given

5. What would you do if there……an Ebola case in this hospital?
a. had been
b. has been
c. would be
d. was

6. It can’t be just that- look at the X-ray, it looks more serious. It……… be pneumonia, I’m sure it is.
a. can’t
b. could
c. must
d. might

7. This syringe……. To this set.
a. doesn’t belong
c. not belongs
b. isn’t belonging
d. do not belong

8. Whom shall we tell about his condition first?’ Let’s tell his sister,…………..?
a. we can
b. is she
c. don’t we
d. shall we

9. You really should…………blood taken again for VZV antibodies after the infection.
a. be having
b. has had
c. had
d. have

10. He………….. as a certified nurse.
a. never has been registered
b. has never been registered
c.been registered never
d. registered never has been
edytowany przez kolorowa12345: 16 cze 2018
1. ok
2. ok
3. Nurse, do you know how high temperature….? Wg mnie bardzo dziwne zdanie, bo usually mowi sie...how high the patient's temperature is...ale jak to napisalas dobrze, to 'a' jest o.k.
4. From now on, flu injections……'.since' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo, tu powinno byc 'from') 9 till 12 daily.
ale 'c' jest o.k.
5. o.k.
6. o.k.
7. o.k.
8. Whom shall we tell about his condition first?’ Let’s tell his sister,…………..? Tutaj odpowiedz masz zle, powinno byc 'd' 'shall we' , bo pierwsze zdanie daje ci clue.
9. You really should…………blood taken again for VZV antibodies after the infection. Wedlug mnie tutaj odpowiedz 'a' lepiej pasuje.
10. o.k.
Task 2.
Some/a/ of/the/ to/well/additionally/with/being/at[/b]
There was an accident at M4 at junction 25-some (Tutaj masz zle, slowo to WITH)…the……(1) injured was taken to the hospital.
The anaesthetist started ……with (tutaj masz zle, slowo to BY) administering……the…(tutaj to jest niepotr).(mysle, ze tutaj slowo 'some' pasuje).(5) general anaesthesia as ……well……(6) as ……a….. (7)pump to push mixed gases into the lungs in c? …(tutaj cos brakuje, moze slowo 'order') to…(8) put the patient to sleep. …….
edytowany przez terri: 16 cze 2018
1. o.k.
2. o.k.
3. The….. system protects the body, regulates body temperature, prevents water loss and senses the external environment. (tego to nie wiem)
a. Digestive b. urinary c. circulatory d. integumentary
4. o.k.
5. o.k.
6. o.k.
]7. o.k.
8. o.k.
9. o.k.
10. o.k.
11. o.k.
12. o.k.
13. o.k.
14. o.k.
15. o.k.
16. It is important for people to do regular self ………….of their skin to look for any irregular moles that might be cancerous. (Tutaj ja uzylabym 'b')
a. Consideration b. inspections c. affects d. monitoring
17. o.k.
18. o.k.
19. o.k.
20. o.k.
Dziekuje :D
czyli w taks 2-------> pod 4 bedzie the ? bo musze użyć wszystkich tych słówek z poczatku :D

Some/a/ of/the/ to/well/additionally/with/being/at
There was an accident at M4 at junction 25-………with………(1) injured was taken to the hospital. The patient arrived…at…(2) the operating theatre relaxed and sleepy and he couldn’t remember……being..(3) involved in the accident. Th anaesthetist started ……the?….(4) administering……some…..(5) general anaesthesia as ……well……(6) as ……a….. (7)pump to push mixed gases into the lungs in order …to…(8) put the patient to sleep. …… additionally ……..(9) analgestics were given so that on walking up the patient does not feel pain in the area…of……(10) the wound.
I jeszcze mam takie czytanie :D musze wybrac prawidłowe słówka z tych słówek z poczatku, które pasuja do tekstu :D
Work bank:
Disability, function, denser, secondary, away, prevent, factor, providing, following, off, prolonging, capacity, agents, adverse, enhancing, restoring, before, gravity, excess, multiple

Water therapy has many physical and mental health benefits for all ages, from the very young to the very old, for everyone looking for a low-impact exercise in a controlled environment to treat and 1/ prevent painful health conditions. Swimming is said to circumvent locomotion impairments, visual disabilities or developmental difficulties associated with stroke, cerebral palsy and other disorders.
Swimming can be both aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic swimming can improve your psychological state. As your body gets healthier and stronger , so will your mind. Recreational swimming is fun, it leaves you with a positive feeling which decreases stress-as such it may even play a part in 2/prolonging your life. Engaging in water sports can improve your physical well-being by enhancing your mental status. Adults who engage in swimming are healthier and happier than people who living a 3/ sedentary lifestyle.
Anaerobic swimming builds greater strength, speed, lean muscles and increased metabolism. Anaerobic exercise in general is key to reaching your maximum aerobic 4/capacity, which is the amount of oxygen that your body can absorb. For people who are already fit but want to reach peak fitness, anaerobic swimming is a means to an end. With greater capacity, all of your body’s functions improve, including respiratory 5/function, blood circulation and your body’s ability to remove toxins.
Other benefits include improving your flexibility, strength, circulation and lung capacity. When you exercise in water, 90 per cent of your body is buoyant. Which takes the stress 6/ off your joints. The buoyancy of water supports joints while encouraging a full, free range of movement. Heated pools are especially helpful for arthritis and fibromayalgia patients, because the warmth helps relax muscles and diminish pain and stiffness. Warm water also causes blood vessels to dilate and increase circulation. Benefits for aching joints are long-lasting extending over a period of 24 months.
Water also provides up to 14 times more resistance on land as you exercise and helps disperse body heat to avoid overheating. Water is 7/ denser than air so all your movements take more effort and energy, however, the pool environment protects you from 8/excess making swimming a low impact exercise. Many doctors and physical therapists recommend swimming to their patients for medical problems and 9/ restoring surgery. It’s particulary helpful if you use a wheelchair, crutches or braces on land, since they often aren’t required while you’re in the pool.
Acording to numerous studies, swimming can help in rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries by improving their ability to bathe and dress themselves and restore some muscle strength and motor skills. Physical exercise training in warm water improves exercise capacity and muscle function in patients with chronic heart failure, without 10/ adverse cardiovascular effects.
the injured
'with' pasowaloby, gdyby nie bylo tam 'was'

potem some anaesthesia

with musi byc po started, ale to blad autora zadania - tam powinno byc 'by'

integumentary ok, rzadko sie tego uzywa
Engaging in water sports can improve your physical well-being by enhancing your mental status. Adults who engage in swimming are healthier and happier than people 'who' (nie wiem co to slowo robi tutaj) living a 3/ sedentary lifestyle.
Water is 7/ denser than air so all your movements take more effort and energy, however, the pool environment protects you from 8/excess (chyba nie, ale moze slowo 'gravity' tutaj lepiej pasuje) making swimming a low impact exercise. Many doctors and physical therapists recommend swimming to their patients for medical problems and 9/ restoring (NIE, tutaj powinno byc 'following' bo nie moze byc 'restoring surgery' ale moze byc 'following surgery') surgery.
Czyli ostatecznie

Some/a/ of/the/ to/well/additionally/with/being/at
There was an accident at M4 at junction 25-………the………(1) injured was taken to the hospital. The patient arrived…at…(2) the operating theatre relaxed and sleepy and he couldn’t remember……being..(3) involved in the accident. Th anaesthetist started ……with….(4) administering……some…..(5) general anaesthesia as ……well……(6) as ……a….. (7)pump to push mixed gases into the lungs in order …to…(8) put the patient to sleep. …… additionally ……..(9) analgestics were given so that on walking up the patient does not feel pain in the area…of……(10) the wound
a wczytaniu wszystko okej tylko pod 8 dam gravity a pod 9 dam following ? :)
>>>Czyli ostatecznie
Tak. teraz lepiej.
>>> okej tylko pod 8 dam gravity a pod 9 dam following
dziekuje jeszcze raz :D
9. You really should…………blood taken again for VZV antibodies after the infection.
a. be having
b. has had
c. had
d. have

dlaczego tutaj be having a nie have ? :D
edytowany przez kolorowa12345: 19 cze 2018
dla mnie 'have'
Może chodzi o jakieś testy/ badania które trzeba powtarzać itp. wklej całe ćwiczenie.
be having nzaczy, że już w tej chwili powinna mieć to badanie, takie gorączkowe namawianie
jednak taka interpretacja jest dość zaawansowana i raczej niewymagana w cwiczeniach na tym poziomie. Dlatego stawiam na 'have'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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