My story 4

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, oto moja kolejna historyjka, proszę o sprawdzenie. Słowa kluczowe : 1 ID,identification,ID card( w sensie dowód tożsamości), 2. if, 3. ill, 4. immediately, 5.improve, 6 include.7 including 8 indoor, 9. inside 10 insect.

My story.
Hello It's Matthew again. This time I will tell you the story that happened to my parents on the last weekend.
My parents are kind of a busy people. They do something all the time. They are hard-working couple. They planned to plant a flower bad, but the final decision was to go relax. My mother chose a small lake located
nearby our village. My father bought a ticket to a small recreation centre. An offer included a gym, an indoor swimming pool and a few tennis tables. They had a really big lucky because they hit on a really attractive offer including a buffet meal. When the Saturday morning came they packed their things immediately and came out.
When they arrived, they had to show their ID's to the staff. One women in the staff seemed to be really ill.
Nevertheless, she was at work because she wanted to improve her skills at job. That was very impressive.
After that they got inside the centre, to their room. Everything could be right, if there were no any insects inside. My mom started shouting, then my dad called for the help immediately. He asked them :
- Excuse me, did the offer include the insects ?
Two guys went inside the room and took all of them. The centre paid a compensation to my family including apologies. They did not expect the insects indoor. They will have to improve their services.

Pozdrawiam i proszę o poprawki !
An offer included a gym,
One women
They had a really big lucky because
show their ID's
she wanted to improve her skills at job.
there were no any insects
My parents are kind of 'a' (niepotr) busy people.
They are (brak przedimka) hard-working couple. They planned to plant a flower 'bad' (chyba 'bed'), but the final decision was to go (tu cos brakuje) relax.
'An ' (zly przedimek, bo wiesz dokladnie o co chodzi) offer included a gym, an indoor swimming pool and a few tennis tables. They had a really big 'lucky' (zla czesc mowy) because they hit on a really attractive offer including a buffet meal.
One 'women' (tutaj l. poj) in the staff seemed to be really ill.
Nevertheless, she was at work because she wanted to improve her skills at (tu brak slowa) job.
Everything 'could' (zly modal, tutaj 'would') be (wg mnie brakuje 'all') right, if there were no 'any' (niepotr) insects inside. My mom started shouting, then my dad called for 'the' (niepotr) help immediately.
Two guys went inside the room and 'took' (moze 'removed') all of them. The centre 'paid a compensation to my family including apologies' (zrob to zdanie inaczej, najpierw apologies a pozniej compo.).
Dziękuję Wam bardzo !;
Oto moje poprawki, proszę rzucić okiem :
1.THE offer included a gym
2.One woman
3.They had a really big happiness
4.Show their IDs
5.She wanted to improve her skills IN HER JOB
6.There were not insects

terri : The centre apologised my family including a compensation
Może być ?
They are hard-working couple. They planned to plant a flower Ile 'hard work' wymaga posadzenie jednego kwiatka? Nielogiczne ;)))
3 coś mieszasz. 'byli szczęśliwi' czy 'mieli szczęście'? Co miało ostatecznie być?
edytowany przez Aaric: 10 sie 2018
5 She wanted to improve her skills IN HER JOB terri zawaliła. Z trzech końcowych słów w oryginale zgub jedno a pozostałe zamień miejscami.
zapomnialas o .zdaniu 1. they planned to plant a flower bed, but the final decision was to go AND relax.
3.They had a really big nie tak. They had a really big '*lucky' napisalam, ze to nie ta czesc mowy, a ty zmienilas slowo i tez dalas zla czesc mowy. Czesci mowy to sa rzeczownik, czasownik, przemiotnik i takie. Pomysl o tym.
5.She wanted to improve her 'skills IN HER JOB' (tutaj lepiej bedzie, jak dasz...wanted to improve her job skills.
6.There were not insects...nie, napisalam wczesniej jak to mialo byc...napisalam 'there were no insects' dlaczego zmienilas na '*not insects'?
7.The centre apologised my family including a compensation. Nie, co mialam na mysli jest logiczne,. The centre apologies (ale trzeba napisac do kogo, tutaj 'to my family') and offered them compensation. (mozna tez family and included compensation) .
Okej, dzięki bardzo. Ostatecznie :
Usunąłem zdanie : " They are a hard-working couple ", potem " Lately, they planned to plant a flower bed"
Co do happiness... złe słówko, jasne ;) CHodziło mi, ze mieli farta, więc : " They WERE IN LUCK because they hit on a really attractive offer including a buffet meal".

Czy moglibyście mi podać jeszcze jakieś przykłady zdań ze słowem " including " ? Bardzo proszę, obojętnie jakie, bo w internecie za bardzo nie znajduję, a jak już, to takie bardzo skomplikowane :D
Google np 'sentence examples with including'
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