Sprawdzenie listu nieformalnego po angielsku

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Heh, jest różnica, dzięki :D
W ramach wymiany szkolnej w twojej szkole przebywała grupa uczniów z Anglii.
W emailu do kolegi/koleżanki z USA opisz ich pobyt.
- Napisz skąd pochodzili goście i co ich najbardziej zdziwiło w twojej szkole
- Zrelacjonuj ciekawe zdarzenie, które miało miejsce w czasie ich pobytu
- Napisz, czy uważasz wymianę za udaną. Uzasadnij swoją opinię
- Przedstaw plany waszej wizyty u angielskich kolegów.
Są postępy od września, moi zbawcy?
Last week in my school was school exchange students from England. They were surpised about our from teacher. They said, that she is very funny and also a bit strange.
During their time in our school, was happened one thing, which excited all students and teacher. Our new friends from England even helped from teacher, when she didn't know what to say. She was grateful about it
Exchange students was fantastic. We met great people and also we learnt new things about English school standards and methods.
In next month, we will plan to visit our new friends from England. We will arrive to Southampton, where they learn. We are going to also to the football match a local team. That's sound great.
Mikko, Mikko, Mikko....
Są postępy od września, moi zbawcy? I think not ;))
Cóż, w takim razie lepiej, żebym sobie ogarnął na maksa gramatykę i takie rzeczy typu such as vs like, po prostu poćwiczył też wypowiedzi, składnie i dopiero potem pisał te listy :D Dziękuję :) Co 20 dni, jak przystało na pozytywnego wariata
zaznaczyłem tylko podstawowe błędy ;))
Last week in my school was school exchange students from England.
They were surpised about our from teacher.
During their time in our school, was happened one thing, which excited all students and teacher.??
Our new friends from England even helped from teacher, when she didn't know what to say.
She was grateful about it
Exchange students was fantastic.
We met great people and also we learnt new things about English school standards and methods.
In next month, we will plan to visit our new friends from IN England. We will arrive GO to Southampton, where they learn. We are going to also SZYK to the football match a local team??. That's sound great
form teacher - wychowawca (literowka)
61-65 z 65
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