Christmastime is full of very stressful and frustrating situations.- an examplification paragraph

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Along with the Christmastime here comes stress and frustration. All of it is a result of quite a few situations. For instance, the stereotypical Polish mum who made too much food for the Christmas. After it she rushes everyone in the house to eat what she have made because she does not want food to be rotten. Another thing that frustrates me this time, Christmas song played in the radio even though it is not even December. I cannot have a short ride in a car without hearing ”Last Christmas”. I do not mind hearing it one time a day in the second part of the December, but hearing it 10 times a day in November is really pain in the neck. And the last example is a student who has a quite big family and wants to buy gifts for them and also to his friends. Despite that he knows what he has to buy for everyone, he do not have enough money to buy all these gifts and this is what makes him feel sad. In this case he cannot buy gifts for everyone he wanted to. In short, Christmastime is not only a happy and well spent time, sometimes it can also get on one’s nerves.

Thank y'all from the mountain
food for the Christmas
played in the radio
is really pain in the neck
a quite big family
he do not have enough money
Along with the Christmastime 'here' (nie za bardzo rozumiem po co to slowo tutaj jest) comes stress and frustration.
After 'it' (nie za bardzo rozumiem do czego to 'it' sie odnosi, lepsze slowo tutaj to 'that') she rushes everyone in the house to eat what she 'have' (zly czas) made because she does not want food to be 'rotten' (nie za bardzo, moze lepsze slowo byloby 'wasted'). Another thing that frustrates me (dodaj tutaj slowo, podpowiem ci 'at') this time, Christmas song (ale tylko jeden czy wiecej) played 'in' (zle slowo) the radio even though it is not even December. I cannot (dodaj tutaj slowa, po polsku 'nawet') have a short ride in a car without hearing ”Last Christmas”. I do not mind hearing it one time a day in the second part of 'the' (niepotr) December, but hearing it 10 times a day in November is really (dodaj tutaj przedimek) pain in the neck. 'And'(staraj sie nie zaczynac zdania z tym slowem) The last example is a student who has 'a quite' (popraw) big family and wants to buy gifts for them and also 'to'(dlaczego 'to' jak miales dobrze wczesniej) his friends. Despite that he knows what he has to buy for everyone, he 'do' (nie, to jest zle slowo, tutaj 'does') not have enough money to buy all these gifts and this is what makes him feel sad. In this case he cannot buy gifts for everyone (ja bym tutaj dala 'that') he wanted to.

Jest cos w tym, ze lepiej dac komus koperte a w niej karteczke z napisem 'kocham Cie teraz i zawsze bede'.
pain in the neck
I also come across ' pain in the arse" , but some regard it as slightly offensive


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