sprawdzenie artukułu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
polecenie: Pismo, które czytujesz, ogłosiło konkurs na artykuł o osobie, której działania mogą być inspiracją dla młodych ludzi. Napisz artykuł, w którym scharakteryzujesz wybraną osobę i jej dokonania oraz uzasadnisz przekonanie, że może ona być taką postacią. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać 200–250 słów.
moja wypowiedź:
Man who didn’t give up.
Each uf us know many famous people which we give our fondness. Some of them constitute an inspiration for young people. However, few of them are worthy of such a specjal attention as Robert Kubica.
He is a thirty-four year old first polish racing driver which compete in Formula One races. For fans he is fast, cosistent and completly ruthless. Formula’s One racigners in iterviews says, he is a good one, hes’s always fair in the racetrack. He also supports charity organisations. He gives his helmet, which price reached more than Ł10 000, from Turkish Grand Prix for malnourished children. In 2009 he starts a RK Kart Team, where learn Formula One future drivers
Unfortunately in february 2011 he has car accident. As a consequence of what he brakes his right hand and leg. He didn’t give up his career. In 2012 after many operations and long rehabilitation he returnes to sport. From 2013 to 2016 he takes part in Rally World Championships where he become world chass WRC2 champion. In 2019, after a eight-year break, he returns to the racing seat.
Why should he be an inspirtion? The anserw is simply. Despite his serious car accident, he doesn’t give up! His attitude confirm that it’s worth pursuing the goal despite adversity.
(ja dalabym predimek tutaj 'the') man who didn’t give up.
Each 'uf' (popraw) us 'know' (each tutaj jest jako os. l. poj to musi byc koncowka 3os.l.poj) many famous people (tu brak slowa) 'which' (kiedy mowimy o ludziach to 'who', ale tutaj ma byc 'whom') we give our fondness (to jest za bardzo po polsku, trzeba to inaczej).
However, few of them are worthy of such a 'specjal' (popraw) attention as Robert Kubica.
He is a 'thirty-four' (lepiej '34) year old first 'polish' (duza litera) racing driver 'which' (j.w.) 'compete' (tutaj musisz zadecydowac w ktorym czasie to ma byc, w teraz. czy przeszlosci) in Formula One races. For fans he is fast, 'cosistent' (ortog) and 'completly' (ortog) ruthless. Formula’s One 'racigners' (nie rozumiem tego slowa) in 'iterviews' (popraw) 'says' (to zalezy, ale wg mnie l. mn - wtedy 'say'), he is a good one, hes’s always fair 'in' (zle slowo) the racetrack.
He 'gives' (tutaj czas prxzeszly) his helmet, 'which price' (za bardzo po polsku, ty mieszac polski z ang. to jest zle) reached more than Ł10,000, from (brak przxedimka) Turkish Grand Prix for malnourished children. In 2009 he 'starts' (tylko, ze rok 2009 juz dawno minal i dlatego to jest przeszlosc) a RK Kart Team, where (tu cos brakuje, moze 'he') 'learn' (calkowicie zle slowo) Formula One future drivers
Unfortunately in 'february' (miesiace zawsze piszemy duza litera) 2011 he 'has' (czas przeszly) (brak przedimka) car accident. As a consequence of 'what' (zle slowo) he 'brakes' (tutaj czas przeszly) his right hand and (podaj ktory) leg.
In 2012 after many operations and long rehabilitation he 'returnes' (tutaj czas przeszly) to sport. From 2013 to 2016 he 'takes' (czas przeszly) part in Rally World Championships where he 'become' (czas przeszly) world 'chass' (co to za slowo) WRC2 champion. In 2019, after a eight-year break, he 'returns' (czas przeszly) to the racing seat.
Why should he be an 'inspirtion?' (co to za slowo?) The 'anserw' (ortog) is 'simply' (zla czesc mowy).
His attitude 'confirm' (nie, tutaj attitude to 3 os.l.poj) that it’s worth pursuing 'the' (nie, daj tutaj 'a') goal despite adversity.


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