people's attitude to animals

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
People probably can be classified according to their attitude towards animals as animal lovers, animal haters and indifferents (or neutrals (?)). The majority of animal lovers own more than one pet. They tend to think that having a pet is much better than having a baby. Their pets often have better food in quality than them. Animal lovers often think that every animal is beautiful and quite often they become vegans because of this love to animals. Secondly there are animal haters. The bulk of them think that animals are ugly, they make a lot of noise and they stink. It is very rare and uncommon that an animal hater owns a pet. They also do not care about animals’ suffering in abattoirs, so they seldom become vegan. Lastly there are indifferent/neutrals (?). They have mixed feelings to animals, if animals are not interrupting them, they can tolerate animals. They also think that some of the animals are as beautiful as babies. Some of them own a pet and usually they love their little friends. Even thou there are billions of people living on the Earth, the majority of them can be classified as belonging to one type mentioned above.
better quality food
this love of animals
uncommon for an animal lover...
feelings towards

lepiej disturbing niż interrupting (przerywają)

some animals (bez of the, nie piszesz o zwierzetach z konkretnej grupy)

thou? to z Biblii?

most of them, nie musisz ciagle pisac 'majority'
indifferents (or neutrals (?)).
indifferent ones:)
dzięki wielkie:)
na co jest to wypracowanie?
na writing na PNJA (filologia angielska :v)
a, bo zwykle piszę coś w rodzaju "matura rozszerzona spoko' :-)

który rok? Może by się już nauczyć, że po sentence-initial adverbs (typu secondly) warto stawiać przecinki?
pierwszy :v wielu rzeczy warto się nauczyć, hehs
spokojnie, na pierwszym roku takie cosie ujdą.
nie takie rzeczy się widziało u pierwszaków, co nie, mg?
akurat w tym roku mam zajęcia na I roku po raz pierwszy od 11 lat.
Biedni, pewnie połowa obleje i wyleci z uczelni, a druga zda dopiero na warunku :)
No, muszę dbać o reputację. Swoją.
Odnoszę wrażenie, że jesteś ostry dla olewaczy i cwaniaków :)
mam nadzieję, że tylko dla takich osób.
Secondly there are animal haters.
....Then there are animal haters.

..... not interrupting them
....don't bother them
Do tego zadania mozna dodac, ze jest duzo sportowcow, i innych ludzi (poszperaj po necie) ktorzy wygladaja o.k. na vegetarians.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.