Rozprawka :)

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Hej, proszę o sprawdzenie :) I byłabym też wdzięczna za szacunkową ocenę procentową :)

Zadanie: Niektórzy młodzi ludzie organizują wspólne przyjęcia z okazji osiemnastych urodzin dwóch lub trzech solenizantów. Czy takie rozwiązanie to dobry pomysł? Napisz rozprawkę, rozważając je z punktu widzenia solenizantów oraz gości.

Many young people these days decide to celebrate their eighteenth birthday in a special way - by throwing a party. However, it is usually quite expensive, so teenagers often do their parties together with one or two friends. Let’s look at this idea from the party organizers and guests points of view.
Let’s face the facts - throwing a party is a big deal. Everything costs a small fortune – from a hall hiring through catering to paying for DJ and sometimes the prices are really exorbitant. Actually, a party could cost an arm and a leg, so from the organizers' point of view throwing a party together is more economical; it makes everything’s price divided by two or even three.
As it is commonly known, the best parties are the biggest ones, so another advantage from the organizers’ point of view is the fact that it is easier to gather more people when every one of the organizers invites some friends of his/hers.
From the guests’ point of view, these types of connected parties are the opportunity to associate with some new people from outside the close circle of old friends and just to have a lot of fun.
To sum up, I think that throwing a party with friends is a very good idea both from the point of view of guests and organizers. It is an economical way to spent eighteenth birthday and also to have a lot of fun with newly known people.
niewiele błędów np. złe przedimki/określniki bądź ich brak przed hall hiring, DJ, 18th birthday

myślę, że około 100% powinno być ;-)
Dziękuję :) Oprócz wypracowania jeszcze niestety część z zadaniami :0
connected parties ja bym dał 'shared'.
Everything costs a small fortune – from a hall hiring through catering to paying for DJ and 'sometimes the prices are really exorbitan' (tutaj zaczynasz zdanie podobnie, nie widze powodu zeby to tak potwierdzac jeszcze raz. Actually, a party could cost an arm and a leg, so from the organizers' point of view throwing a party together is more economical; it makes 'everything’s' (to jest zle, tutaj napisz 'price for everything. Niema czegos takiego jak 'everything's') price divided by two or even three.
As it is commonly known, the best parties are the biggest ones, so another advantage from the organizers’ point of view is the fact that it is easier to gather more people when every one of the organizers invites some friends of 'his/hers.' (tutaj mozna 'theirs')
From the guests’ point of view, these types of 'connected' (zmien) parties are 'the' (nie, tutaj 'a', albo mozna napisac 'the ideal') opportunity to associate with some new people from outside the close circle of old friends and just to have a lot of fun.
It is an economical way to 'spent' (zly czas) (brak przedimka) eighteenth birthday and also to have a lot of fun with newly 'known' (nie, to zle slowo, tutaj mozna 'met') people.
paying for (przedimek) DJ
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