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Cancún is a well-known city for every tourist. Lush nature, in combination with always perfect weather, makes it an attractive destination. It has a vibrancy and energy that hits you the minute you arrive. I've been most impressed with the availability of a diverse of Mexican dishes, but it sometimes caused that people crowded the busy streets lining up for tacos from a stand. The local people are incredibly friendly and know their city's history well, so it is not difficult to find a very knowledgeable guide.
There's plenty to see! You can visit spellbinding tenement houses, absolutely fascinating museum, but also historic buildings, which might be a bit overwhelming in their size. But most of all there are the most beautiful and recognizable sandy beaches where I spent hours sunbathing and turquoise sea with corals. I highly recommend you to take a diving course and explore the underwater world. It's the city that never sleeps! Every night there are pretty awesome events, everyone plays, dances and sings. Remember that after such a party you might be utterly exhausted and you need to have the strength to explore the next day!
All in all, Cancún is a city full of diversity, where you will never be bored. It is ideal for people who like to feel the atmosphere of a big city, but also relax in secluded places, sipping slowly freshly squeezed juice.

Z góry dziękuję :D
Cancún is a well-known city for every tourist.
I've been most impressed with the availability of a diverse of Mexican dishes, but it sometimes caused that people crowded the busy streets lining up for tacos from a stand.
But most of all there are the most beautiful and recognizable sandy beaches where I spent hours sunbathing and turquoise sea with corals.
I highly recommend THAT you to take a SCUBA diving course and explore the underwater world.
CANCUN It's the city that never sleeps!
It is ideal for people who like to feel the atmosphere of a big city, but also relax in secluded places, sipping slowly SIPPING freshly squeezed juice.
Możliwość innych błędów.
edytowany przez Aaric: 20 maj 2019
Po przemyśleniu. Jest ok?

well-known city TO every tourist.
availability of so many diverse Mexican dishes
but it causes
"sandy beaches where I spent hours sunbathing and turquoise sea with corals."
Cancun is the city
sandy beaches where I spent hours sunbathing and turquoise sea with corals. ja bym zaczął od turquoise I skończył na sunbathing
Cancun is the city you're right. My bad ;-))
edytowany przez Aaric: 20 maj 2019
But most of all

hmmmm .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 28 maj 2019
But most of all

hmmmm .

It's ok.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.