
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłby ktoś sprawdzić czy wykonałam poprawnie zadanie? Ewentualnie poprawić, aby było dobrze?
Zad 1. Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of have something done. You do not need to say who is doing the activity.

1 A man painted our house last week.

We have our house last week painted.

2 A famous composer will write a piece of music for the Queen.

The Queen Queen will have a piece of music by a famous composer written.

3 Someone in Paris will design a wedding dress for Bethany.

Bethany will have a weeding dress by someone in Paris designed.

4 A mechanic fixes my car.

I have my car fixed.

5 Someone made the costumes for the school play for us.

We have the costumes for the school play for us made.

Zad2. Complete the sentences with suitable reflexive pronouns.

1 Some people like to decorate ___________ with tattoos, but I don’t think it looks very nice.

2 Don’t climb that tree. You could easily fall and hurt ___________ .

3 Jenny and I are making ___________ breakfast today because Dad had to leave home early.

4 Did you like the poem? I wrote it ___________ .

5 After he’d had his haircut, Toby looked at ___________ in the mirror
1. themselves
2. yourself
3. ourselves
5. yourselves

zwroc uwage na czas - 2 zdania są w czasie przeszlym
drugiego czasownika nie stawia sie na samym koncu zdania, ale po dopelnieniu,
np. a wedding dress designed - w dodatku zwykle pomija się wyrażenia z 'by'
no i nie pisz 'weeding dress', bo to jest sukienka do pielenia chwastow.
Zadanie 2 jest dobrze?
Ja bym wolal zeby byla jeszcze jedna mozliwosc w 5 ;-)
edytowany przez Aaric: 23 maj 2020
We have painting our house last week.
The Queen will have a piece of music written a famous composer.
Bethany will have a wedding dress designed someone in Paris.
I have my car fixed.
We have the costumes made for the school play for us.
Jest lepiej juz?
nie zrozumialas wiekszosci moich komentarzy, jest gorzej
3. Nie mozesz ominac samego 'by'.
w drugim popraw tylko ostatnie zdanie, pozostale sa dobrze
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.