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Please can we Ask whether the selected girls have extensions It.

Odpowiedz: Hi, the selected girls haven’t extensions in. They have natural hair
jest zrozumiala
moze byc
w formie bardziej 'nowoczesnej' byloby:
...girls don't have extensions in. It's their natural...
...don't wear extensions.
Why 'in'?
Why 'in'?
Bo tam powinno byc ......extensions (attached) in their hair,
So what?
jak umiesz sobie samemu wytlumaczyc taka zaleznosc:
He had a hat.
He had a hat on.

to ta rowniez zrozumiesz:
She had extensions.
She had extensions in.
Except that a hat is something you can hold in your hand or put it in your pocket or bag etc. With hair extensions, you either have them or not. They are woven into your natural hair. Regardless, I'd still go with wear instead of have in dezzed's sentence.
edytowany przez Aaric: 13 sie 2020
Your way of reasoning here is quite astonishing.
What would you say about this one?
He had his pants.
He had his pants on.
Would you still hold your ground to the way you think, do you think?
From a hat to pants. What's next? Shirt? Jacket?
I would come up with better answer if there were a context in dezeed's post.
As for "...girls don't have extensions in.", google at least one example that someone would express it exactly this way, otherwise put it to rest ;-)
Cytat: Aaric
From a hat to pants. What's next? Shirt? Jacket?

exactly, until you understand what those adverbs actually do to the meaning of the sentence
I do understand but thanks for the lesson ;-)
that's more like it for an answer
cos ode mnie:
Jest zrozumiale (chyba przez wiekszosc) ze teraz nikt nie mowi/pisze poprawnie. (z wyjatkami)
Uzywamy zdania np. 'Girls have hair extension in' i 'what have you got on?' - ale co mamy na mysli to jest
'girls wear extensions in their hair' i 'what on earth are you wearing?'
Jak juz pisalam 000's razy ' google nie jest 'be all and end all'.
Are you saying Google results are all made up?
No, but some of them are questionable.
'what on earth are you wearing?
I asked one girl very much the same question ..this seems to me now that today's world is likely to be turned upside down .
The truth is that some girls are beloved , some underloved and that's why confusion is made throughout the world. To be perfectly honest , I struggle to get rid it off and I think .I'm better off without it .
.....The truth is that some girls are beloved
Ari Onassis once said.... 'without women, having all the money in the world would have no sense'
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