
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
After the fight his mother was supporting him during a couple of next days, as she is living abroad. After the fight Mr X was not working due to his holidays. He was spending his free time with friends.

Czy jest to napisane poprawnie?
simple past
for a couple of days
due to - zwykle wprowadza przyczyne problemu. Przeksztalc to na zdanie z 'as'
Thank you!
Simple past to wskazówka do żałości? Tzn.przekształcać na pasy Simple?
Wskazówka do całości, nie żałości
tak, pasy continose przeżałcać na pasy simple :-)
He was not working a przyczyną był urlop(a nie fight)?
A czemu nie mogą być pasy kontiniusy? ;)
After the fight his mother supported him for a couple of days, as she lives abroad. After the fight Mr. x didn't work due to his holidays. He spent his free time with friends.
nadal problem z 'due to'
There is a saying that ‘health is wealth’ meaning that health is the greatest wealth. A person’s physical, mental, emotional and social condition is referred to as good or bad health.
It is said that God resides in a healthy body, so every person should always maintain good health. Good health makes a person feel good and positive.
To maintain a healthy mind and body, it is important to always eat clean and healthy food, balance your diet with the right amount of essential minerals, exercise regularly, consume lots of fruits and green vegetables. One should consume, drink plenty of water, sleep early and adequately for 8 hours.
A healthy body removes all negativity and remains positive and healthy. A healthy diet and lifestyle always keep a person positive, fit and happy. Regularly brushing your teeth twice a day and washing hands before meals keep you healthy.

[url=https://www.doihealthy.com]My Health Calculator[=/url]
There is a saying that ‘health is wealth’ meaning that health is the greatest wealth. A person’s physical, mental, emotional and social condition is referred to as good or bad health.
It is said that God resides in a healthy body, so every person should always maintain good health. Good health makes a person feel good and positive.
To maintain a healthy mind and body, it is important to always eat clean and healthy food, balance your diet with the right amount of essential minerals, exercise regularly, consume lots of fruits and green vegetables. One should consume, drink plenty of water, sleep early and adequately for 8 hours.
A healthy body removes all negativity and remains positive and healthy. A healthy diet and lifestyle always keep a person positive, fit and happy. Regularly brushing your teeth twice a day and washing hands before meals keep you healthy.

[url=https://www.doihealthy.com] My Health Calculator [/url]
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.