Sprawdzenie FOR & AGAINST ESSAY Matura rozszerzona 2018

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Coraz częściej pojawiają się propozycje wprowadzenia zakazu wjazdu samochodów do
centrów miast. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony wprowadzenia
takiego zakazu

More and more goverments consider about the entry ban of cars to the city centre. Is a good idea? Undeniably, there is a plethora of pros and cons for each choice.

First of all, it is safe to assume that it would take positive effects on the environment. There would be less polutions which are produced by vehicles. It would be better for our health. Futhermore, the traffic jams would have been just a dreadful memory because wouldn't exist. We would see people riding bikes or electric scooters rather than driving cars in the street. Finally, the city centres would be quieter and calmer. It would be a marvelous option for elders.

On the other hand, there are certain disadvantages as well. If the cars disappeared, means of transports would be totally crowded. In the long run it would be utterly uncomfortable for passengers. What is more, people would be late for their job often. Because of huge number of passengers, the buses wouldn't be on time sometimes. Last but not least, parking attendants who earn working like that for their living in the city centres would lose their job. They would be protesting.

Taking everything into account, it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of entry ban of cars to the city centres. It is two sides of the same coin. While some people seem to thrive living without cars, others prefer using its, regardless of environment.
More and more 'goverments' (blad ortog) consider 'about' (to jest zle slowo, lepiej jego nie dawac) 'the' (wg mnie tutaj 'an') entry ban of cars to the city centre. Is (tu cos brakuje 'it') a good idea? Undeniably, there is a plethora of pros and cons for 'each' to daje mi znac, ze sa opcje, ale ich wczesniej nie wymieniles) choice.

First of all, it is safe to assume that it would 'take' (zle slowo, tutaj 'miec') positive effects on the environment. There would be less 'polutions' (l. poj) which 'are' (is) produced by vehicles.
Futhermore, the traffic jams would 'have been' (nie, tutaj 'be') just a dreadful memory because (ale co? kto? trzeba napisac) wouldn't exist.
It would be a marvelous option for 'elders' (nie, to mnie gryzie, lepiej 'the elderly').

On the other hand, there are certain disadvantages (ale czego, trzeba napisac) as well. If the cars disappeared, (tutaj brakuje 'other') means of 'transports' l. poj) (tutaj powinnienies wymienic jakie) would be totally crowded.
What is more, people would (tutaj daj 'often') be late for their job. 'often.' (w zlym miejscu) 'Because' (lepiej 'Due to the) 'of' (nioepotr) huge number of passengers, the buses wouldn't be on time sometimes. Last but not least, parking attendants who earn 'working like that for their living' (nie, pokrecona kolejnosc, wystarczy 'their living') in the city centres would lose their 'job' (tutaj l. mn bo 'attendants'). They would 'be protesting' (nie, 'protest').

It is two sides of the same coin. While some people seem to thrive living without cars, others prefer using 'its' (tego nie rozumiem, tutaj 'them' bo 'cars' to l. mn.), regardless of (daj przedimek) environment.
Dziękuję bardzo za sprawdzenie. W zdaniu "While some people seem to thrive living without cars, others prefer using them" chodziło mi "Podczas gdy niektórzy ludzie wydają się prosperować (kwitnąć) życiem bez aut, inni wolą ich używać.


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