i jeszcze jedno..

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I would love to make a contribution, that can be seen by everyone, and that will documented our state and work in...

chcialabym miec wklad w to, co kazdy bedzie mogl zobaczyc i co bedze dokumentowalo nasz pobyt i prace w....
I would love to make an input that could be seen by everyone and that would give evidence of our stay and of our work in...

contribution kojarzy się ze składką pieniężną
I would love to make a (useful) contribution TO WHAT can be seen by everyone and prove our engagement in...
I would like to contribute to what is tangible and visible to all and what would become a testimonial to our presence and work in ...

I would like our presence in ...and the work we do here to contribute to something tangible and visible, and leave a lasting legacy for all to see.
>I would like to contribute to what is tangible and visible to all

ee, to znaczy, że coś tangible i visible już istnieje, a autor zdania chce dołożyć do tego swoją część. raczje nie o to chodzi.

Moja propozycja:
I would like to contribute IN A WAY THAT is tangible and visible to all and THAT would become a testimonial to our presence and work in ...

albo tak jak zaproponował Sobar.
>ee, to znaczy, że coś tangible i visible już istnieje

fair enough
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie