Czy ktoś moze spr mi opowiadanie?błagam

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Every else in the family had gone out to the cinema,but I had decided to stay at home.It was about ten o'clock and I was watching Tv when suddenly he come out with wardrobe big pink creature.I was very much terrified.I to biegin loudly shout.To my amazement pin creature come up to me.Tell about nice voice:
-Not flight fear.I will make nothng it.I'm ordinary essence I look aonly strangely.What your name?
Imediately answered him:My name is xxx.Begin talking.It told about family friends and school.They were interesting history.Then include movie in DVD.There was comedy.Together nicely very.In certain moment pin creature pronounce it must return to house.There wassuprising for me.Say goodbye.Afterwords not wating on family I have gone to sleep.The next morning everything tell mum.It did not believe me.It only smiled.

Bardzo prosze o spr..Wiem ze to bez sesnu jest,ale nie umiem angielskiego..Moze ktos mi to poprawic i cos dopisacna zakonczenie.Bede wdzieczna;] z gory bardzo dziekuje;* i licze na kogos.




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