do sprawdzenia, krótki tekst. proszę.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
It was 7 years ago. I was 10 years. In kindergaten we orginased
drawing competition. Every pictures was very nice. Sometimes
i thought that my drawing isn't good. When commission talked about
competition i was very irritated. Everybody was very confident, but not
me. The commission announce results fo 10 minutes, by the time i decided
go out on fresh air. When i went to hall i saw my friends, whose hared
third space. She was happy, but not completely. Then i hearted my name!
I hared second space! I was really exciting.

I didn't remember what happen later. I got books and diploma. It was
unforgettable experience.
Więc moim zdaniem powinno być tak :
It was 7 years ago. I was 10 years. We organised a drawing competition in the kindergarten. All pictures were really nice. Sometimes,
>I thought that my drawings weren't good. When commission said about
>the competition I was very irritated. Everybody was very confident but
>not me. The commission announced results after 10 minutes, by the time i
>decided go out on fresh air.(nie bardzo rozumiem o co w tym zdaniu ci chodzi, ale jest tutaj błąd. Tylko go nie mogę poprawić, bo nie wiem co chciałeś wyrazić) When I went to hall I saw my friend, who
(przepraszam, czy widzisz różnicę między słowem "zając", a "zająć", bo widzę, że nie") took the third place (a i naucz się korzystać ze słownika, bo nie wiem czy wiesz ale są takie wyrazy jak homonimy :)). She was happy, but not completely. Then I heard my name!
>I took second space! I was really excited
>I didn't remember what happend later. I got books and diploma. It was
>unforgettable experience.
>decided go out on fresh air.(nie bardzo rozumiem o co w tym zdaniu
>ci chodzi, ale jest tutaj błąd. Tylko go nie mogę poprawić, bo nie
>wiem co chciałeś wyrazić)

zapewne chodzi tutaj o 'zaczerpnięcie świeżego powietrza'
we decided to go out to get some air/ take the air.
jeszcze jedno
> I was 10 years. = powinno być 'I was 10' albo ' I was 10 years old'


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