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Wydaje mi sie ze moze byc problem z czasami...To ma bycopowiadanie.Nie wiem jak jest wóz strażacki po angielsku?

Last summer Jack get a job as a firefighter.That was his dream and he realized it.
His second month in job started normally as a each other.Nothing forecasted [zapowiadać,wróżyć] that this day will be strange for him.He didn’t know that it were only pretences[pozory].
He had been eating breakfast with his crew before they get alert about fire!Suddenly everybody ran to red wóz strażack(?). After few minutes they arrived on right place [wlasciwe miejsce] That was a big blazing [płonący] skyscraper when were a lot of people.Jack didn’t wait. As soon as it possible he went in [wszedł] building [budynek].Everywhere was a lot of smoke.Hardly had Jack went on fifth floor when ceiling collapsed [zawalił się]! .He had been trapping for several hours. Before his eyes started flashing his life.Flashbacks chronicled his memories of being a rookie at his Baltimore fire company. He remembered fighting his first fire, bonding with fellow firefighters, falling in love with a beautiful local girl, getting married, having children and death of his friend who was firefighter.He was trying escape but stairs collapsed and all fourth floor was in flame.He became cut off from the world.Jack’s life had been hanging in balance.He was loosing oxygen..His friends-firefighters had hoped to rescue him.They did all what they could. During all action they were still talking with Jack on short-wave radio. In the end turned out that they hadn’t any chances to rescue their friend…
Jack was agonizing [konać] in flames of fire in strange tortures. He saved many people and died as hero He leaved wife and deserted his children.That sad story tell about it how dangerous is firefighter’s job.


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