prosze o sprawdzenie kilku tekstow ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie tych tekstow, sa one na ustny egzamin z angielskiego ktory mam jutro. Z gory serdecznie dziekuje :)

1.The most unusual,crazy thing you have ever done.

One year ago I have done crazy thing. I like train bridge in my town. I often go there. One time I was walking there when I saw train. Train approached. It was near. I have peered of my friend. She has smiled. We began running. Train was 10 meters from we. We jumped in front of it. It was crazy. In the end we jumped to flowk and train has gone further.

2.Who would you like to be in the future?describe the profession you`ve chosen and give reason for your choice.

I would like be a psychologist. Psychology is very interesting. People often do bad things or they don`t know what to do. Psychologist shows a ways out of problem. I will help if someone has a problem. I`ve chosen this profession, because I like psychodelic books and psychodelic films. Recently I read book about influence people. It`s interesting haw we can exert influence an someone else. I would like study Psychology in Warsaw. I have hope that I will be good psychologist.

3.What kind of places would like to visit durning your next holidays?

I would like to visit tropical islands like Jamaica. I like new places. I can see there a lot of animals there,which I can`t see here. I want walking to tropical forest. It was be fantastic! I can spend time on the beach and I can scuba-diving. Tropical flovers,trees and animals can be very interesting.
Another place,which I woudl like visit is waterfall like Niagara. want admire this beautiful views.
pierwszy tekst
1. opisujesz konkretne zdarzenie z przeszlosci: nie uzywaj present perfect, musi byc Simple past, czasem past continuous. Popraw czasy.
2. brakuje przedimkow np. przed 'crazy thing' (to jedna z wielu zwariowanych rzeczy), 'train bridge' (pewnie jedyny w miescie)
train - najpierw: to jeden z wielu pociagow, jakie sa na swiecie; kiedy po raz kolejny pojawia sie ten wyraz, to juz znaczy: ten pociag, o ktorym wczesniej mowilem.
I looked at my friend (peer to tak 'zerkac', to nie jest szczegolnie dobre slowo w tym kontekscie)
from we = od my. To nie jest poprawne wyrazenie napisane przez ty.

In the end we jumped to flowk - co ma znaczyc flowk?

and the train went on.
One year ago I have done the crazy thing. I like the train bridge in my town. I often go there. One time I was walking there when I saw the train. Train approached. It was near. I lookes at my friend. She smiled. We began running. Train was 10 meters from us. We jumped in front of it. It was crazy. In the end we jerked sideways and the train went on.

tak bedzie dobrze?
One year ago I have done [czas] the crazy thing. I like the train bridge in my town. I often go there. One time I was walking there [lepiej: across the bridge] when I saw the [jeden pociag tam przejezdza?] train. [brak przedimka] Train approached. It was near. I lookes [s- literowka?] at my friend. She smiled. We STARTED TO RUN. [przedimek] Train was 10 meters from us. We jumped in front of it. It was crazy. In the end we JUMPED sideways and the train went on. [tu poprawiam siebie: passed by]
One year ago I did the crazy thing. I like the train bridge in my town. I often go there. One time I was across the bridge when I saw a(?) train. The(?) train approached. It was near. I looked at my friend. She smiled. We started to run. The train was 10 meters from us. We jumped in front of it. It was crazy. In the end we jumped sideways and the train passed by.

teraz powinno byc chyba w miare dobrze :)
One year ago I did A [nie zauwazylem wczesniej] crazy thing. I like the train bridge in my town. I often go there. One time I was WALKING across the bridge when I saw a train. The train [lepiej] was approaching. It was near. I looked at my friend [tak w ogole, to wczesniej nie piszesz, ze szedles sam]. She smiled. We started to run. The train was 10 meters from us. We jumped in front of it. It was crazy. In the end we jumped sideways and the train passed by.
One year ago I did a crazy thing. I like the train bridge in my town. I often go there. One time I was walking across the bridge with my friend when I saw a train. The train was approaching. It was near. I looked at my friend.She smiled. We started to run. The train was 10 meters from us. We jumped in front of it. It was crazy. In the end we jumped sideways and the train passed by.

dodalam ze wczesnie szlam z przyjacielem :) widze ze sporo bledow robie :P dizekuje baaardzo za pomoc w tym tekscie ;)
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