Prosze o male sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The picture shows a hausing estate in the city. I don't now where it is exactly. Perhabs it's in UK but it's probably in Poland. In the background there is some blocks. The blocks are big and colourful. On the right some elderly poeople are sitting on a bench and talking. At the bottom young women is reading.She looks collected. In the middle somebody is walking. In the background shows beautiful park. On the left some elderly women, perhabs is going shoping. In the middle children bawią sie z w piaskownicy. The children seems happy and marry. It's very beautiful housing estate. Atmosphere seems very friendly and relaxed.

Prosze o sprawdzenie i przetłumaczenie tego do konca:In the middle children bawią sie z w piaskownicy
Dziękuje bardzo...
prosze sprawdzcie mi to....:( musze to miec na jutro:( błagam


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie