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Russian Open 2006

In October 21st began (two days long) tournament in Moscow which opened new badminton season in Asia. I had been waiting for this day all year long.
The first games started at 8 o'clock but everybody was there since 7. On the hall was reigning madness - everyone from a thousand spectators wanted to take the best place. At half past 8 arrived first players and they started warm-up. In this time director of Russian Badminton Federation opened the tournament. The games were played up to 21 points in each of two sets. In tournament took part 84 players from 23 countries who were play cingle, double and mixt games (612 in total). Most of the players (and spectators too) were from China. In the afternoom was two hours long lunch break. In this time there were presented the newest badminton equipment (rockets, shoes, clothes, bags). There were a few shops in which you could buy these stuffs. Next day were finall games. Sport vibe could be sensed on the hall. People got excited with every single return. Most gold medals took Malaysians, next to them were Chineses and Danishes.
It was fantastic experience to watch all those games live with people all around the world. I hope that I will go there again in October of this year.