reported speech

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Nie mam klucza więc musze radzic sobie sam - jutro egzain z calej grammar :D
#majcie kciuki a tym czasem take a look at this:

Zdanie wyjsciowe.

It's sad but we'll have to ger rid of Molly if she doesn't mend her ways,' said Harry McArthur. 'After all, we can't afford to be too soft-hearted about our typists and secretaries if we're to have an efficient firm.'


Henry McArthur announced with some regret that they'd have to get rid of their typist Molly if she didn't mend her ways, pointing out that they couldn't afford to be too soft-hearted about their typists and secretaried if they were to have an efficient firm.

Ciag dalszy

'I must,' he continued,' have told her at least three times about using the office phones. She should listen when I tell her things. She must never call America without my permission.'


He went on to say that he must have told her at least three times never to use the office phones to call America without his permission and admonished her that she should listen when he gave her instructions.

Wersja wyjsciowa:

'Well,' thought Hellen, 'I needn't have worried after all.'


Helen then realised that she needn't have worried after all.
1 poprawne, ale przed i po Molly wstawiłabym przecinek. Poza tym, jest literówka w "secretaried".

W 2 zamiast "she should listen" powinno być moim zdaniem "she should have listened". Nie mam co do tego 100% pewności ale sama właśnie tak bym napisała.

3 poprawne.
mysle, ze 'should listen' jest ok
Wg mnie should listen musi byc ze wzgledu na fakt, ze "should uzyte w tym kontekscie odnosi sie do aduty and dvisability.

Should and ought to do not change whether they are used for expectation or duty and advisability.

Co do przecinków przed i po Molly to by nie miało zbytnio sensu. Też sie nad tym zastanawialem ale doszedlm do wniosku, ze to nie jest cos co mozna oddzielic w tym zdaniu. Ogólnie to i glupio by to wygladalo i glubio by brzmialo.
a nie powinno byc went on saying??
Chyba można i tak i tak

Jednak ja bardziej optuje za he went on to say..
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.