proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Oto mój esej dotyczący popray polskeigo systemu edukacji. Wydaje mi sie, że pełno w nim błędów, więc będę wdzięczna za naniesienie poprawek. z góy wielkie dzięki :)

How to improve polish education?
We all know that polish system of education has big problems. It is very important to improve it quickly, because nowadays good education is indispensable to live comfortable and easy.
To begin with, important thing is to improve relationship among students and, clearly, relationship with teachers. It is to much aggression and envy in polish schools, so good idea is to organize integration events and to teach about respect for others. As a result education would not be as stressful as it is now.
Another solution is to organize more practical lessons. Actually children in Poland spend lots of time on learning theory, which is sometimes boring and useless. Practical education would be absorbing and useful in adult life.
Very effective method of improving polish education is to let students chose what whey want to learn. There would be some facultative subjects and students should decide themselves about what they want to know more. As a consequence organization of time spending at school could be better and learning could be more effective.
All in all, the problem of education should be taken seriously. From many solutions, the government have to chose the best to improve the situation.
proszę o jakiś odzew, to naprawdę pilne...
np: "It is to much aggression and envy in polish schools, so good idea is to organize integration events and to teach about respect for others".

THERE IS TOO MUCH AGGRESSION and envy...INTEGRATIVE events...TEACH CHILDREN respect for others..."
From many solutions, the government have to chose the best ONE to improve the situation.
From many solutions, the government HAS to chose the best to improve the situation.
How to improve THE polish education SYSTEM?
'We all know' that THE polish system of education has big problems. It is
very important to improve it quickly, because nowadays good education
is indispensable to live 'comfortable and easy' (czy masz na mysli a comfortable and easy life czy comfortaby and easily?).
To begin with, THE MOST important thing is to improve THE relationship among
students and, clearly, (ale czyj? THE STUDENTS) relationship with THE teachers. 'It is to much' THERE IS TOO MUCH aggression and envy in polish schools, so A good idea 'is' WOULD BE to organize integration events and to teach STUDENTS about respect for others. As a result education would not be as stressful as it is now.
'A' very effective method of improving polish education is to let students
As a consequence organization of time spenT at school 'could' WOULD be better and learning could be more effective.
From THE many solutions, the government haS to chose the best ONE to improve the
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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