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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Opis miejsca... mam nadzieje ze znajedzie sie tu jakiś dobry ludź który zlituje sie nademna sierotami pomoże:P

The place wchih I would like to describle is Europa II. It's most often visit store in Nowy Sącz.
Europa II is open from 10.00 to 20.00 Monday to Saturday and from 10.00 to 18.00 in Sundays. It's bigest store in Nowy Sącz which employs about 600 workers.
Customers like visit this store because there is about 110 shops with huge range of goods in one place which help people do shopping more quickly. Moreover the best place for rest after shopping are restaurants where customers can eat and drink. But on the other hand staff which works there are very often impolite and unwillingly helps customers. What is more goods are not always good quality is too big choiis therefore customers have very often problems in buy what they want.
Personally I don't like do shopping in this kind of shops because there is too a lot people and is too crowd
The place 'wchih' (ortog) I would like to describle is Europa II. It's THE most
often visitED store in Nowy Sącz.
Customers like TO visit this store because there 'is' ARE (dlatego ze shops to l. mn) about 110 shops with A huge range of goods in one place which help people TO do shopping more quickly. Moreover the best place for rest after shopping are THE restaurants where customers can eat and drink.
But on the other hand staff 'which' (o ludziach mowimy WHO) 'works' (works odnost sie do 3os.l. poj - a tutaj staff to l. mn) there are very often impolite and unwillinG TO helP customers. What is more goods are not always OF A good quality. THERE IS too 'big' MUCH 'choiis' (ej? ortog) therefore customers 'have very often' (very often have) problems in buyING what they
Personally I don't like TO do shopping in 'this' THESE (bo shops to l. mn) kind of shops because there 'is' ARE too 'a lot' MANY people and IT is too crowdED.


Business English


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