My adrenaline rush

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This story happened when I was on a journey witch my friends in Goya(India) Why Goya? Because we wanted to see some rhinos and maybe some tigers.
Next day we woke up at the crack of down and went into the jungle
On my right said we could see the Himalayas Mountains.
First hours we spent on looking for any animals. Unfortunatelly, we saw only a pair of frightened dears staring at us. Than we went on the edge of the jungle and we saw glade. The grass which was growing there was extremaly high (over 1,5 meter) I decided to climb on the tree to see what can we met in the grass. When I was on the top of the tree I saw that the grass was crossed by many „corridors”. After a short meeting with other colleagues we decided to go back. We were all a bit dissapointed because we haven't saw any rhinos or tigers.When we were going back I noticed a strange sound coming from a valley, which was situated near the high grass. We decided to go there and check what is making this nois. The source of the sound was a rhino! He was eating pineapples. Body of this heavy and big animal was grey. He has also got funny ears and incredible horn. We were all impressed and happy that we see it.I took many photos of this rhino. We were fascinated that we see a rhino live, not in TV. Urgently the rhino turned and went back into the bush. We also decided to go back into the hotel.
This story happened when I was on a journey 'witch' (witch to czarownica-o kim tak mowisz?) my friends in Goya. 'Because' (nie lubie gdy zdania zaczynaja sie because) we wanted to see some 'rhinos' (prosze w calosci) and maybe some tigers.
Next day we woke up at the crack of 'down' (napewno nie - tutaj DAWN-zobacz roznice w slowniku) and went into the jungle. On my right 'said' (ale kto co powiedzial?) we could see the Himalayas Mountains.
THE fFirst hours we spent on looking for any animals. Unfortunatelly, we
saw only a pair of frightened 'dears' (sprawdz co to slowo znaczy - masz napewno na mysli cos innego) staring at us. Than we went 'on' TO the edge of the jungle and we saw A glade. The grass which was growing there
was 'extremaly' (ortog) high (over 1,5 'meter' (ortog)) I decided to climb on 'the' A tree to see what 'can we met' WE COULD MEET in the grass.
... dissapointed because we 'haven't' DIDN'T 'saw' SEE any rhinos or tigers.
...what 'is' WAS (bo to czas przeszly-opowiadasz o czyms co juz bylo)
making this noisE.
THE body of this heavy and big animal was grey. He 'has also' ALSO HAD got funny ears and AN incredible horn. We were all impressed and happy
that we 'see' SAW (czas przeszly) it.
We were fascinated >that we 'see' SAW a rhino live, not 'in' ON TV. 'Urgently' (tutaj chyba quickly) the rhino turned and went back into the bush.


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