bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie:

One day, Sandra came to Graham and asked him what time are they meeting today?
Unfortunatelly, Graham couldn't go out to the cinema, because he had to look after his younger sister. Sandra was disappointed, but the boy proposed to help him babysit. She agreed bacause it was better than nothing. They also would like (chcieli?) to watch films on DVD, but DVD player wasn't working. But Graham had got a satellite dish and there were a few interesting films on tonight. After they had checked what was on, they tried to choose fascinating films. But they were very (niezdecydowani). Finally they picked film: "Quentin Terrantino" and (umówili sie) to the cinema next week.

Dziękuje :)
One day, Sandra came to Graham and asked him what time 'are they' THEY WERE meeting today?
Sandra was disappointed, but the 'boy' (o kim tu mowa?) proposed to help him babysit.
She agreed 'bacause' (nowa wersja mojego ulubionego slowa - prosze to poprawic-to slowo nie istnieje w jez. ang) it was better than nothing.
They also would (tu cos brakuje) likeD to (tu cos brakuje) watchED (ale ile? jednego czy wieceej) films on DVD, but THE DVD player wasn't working.
After they had checked what was on, they tried to choose (some? many?)fascinating films. But they were very (niezdecydowani- to znajdziesz w slowniku). Finally they picked THE film: "Quentin TArrantino" and (umówili sie- nad tym pomysl - co sie robi jak sie umawia z kims?) to the cinema next week.
1. ...what time they were meeting today (no tak cz.przeszły)
2. Sandra was disappointed, but GRAHAM proposed to help him babysit.
3. because (literówka) :)
4. They also would liked ('chcieli'-to nie tak jak napisałam? to może 'wanted'?)to watched A FEW films on DVD, but the DVD player wasn't working.
5. After they had checked what was on, they tried to choose SOME fascinating films.But they were very UNDECIDED.
6. Finally they picked the film: "Quentin Tarrantino" and made a date to the cinema next week.

Teraz dobrze??
2. Sandra was disappointed, but GRAHAM proposed to help 'him' (to znaczy kogo? tutaj cos nie tak?) babysit.
4. They also would liked to watched A FEW films on DVD, but the DVD player wasn't working. ...Tutaj mialam na mysli cos innego..They also would have liked to have watched a few films....
5. ok
6...and 'made a date' (mozna tez 'arranged') to GO TO the cinema next week.
2. Sandra was disappointed, but Graham proposed to help ? babysit.
czyli :
sandra była rozczarowana, ale graham zaproponował, żeby pomogła mu 'him?' pilnować siostry.
3. dziękuje za tamte:):)
Wiedzialam, co masz na mysli, ale niestety tego nie napisalas po ang.
2. Sandra was disappointed, but Graham proposed THAT SHE help HIM babysit.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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