Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie bledow, glownie chodzi o gramatyke ale byc moze sa jeszcze jakis inne...


*ACTIVITY 1: Teacher organises the class into 5 teams. Students from each team design the construction of plan of room and furniture (groupA- bathroom, groupB-kitchen, groupC- living room, groupD- dining room, groupE- bedroom). Teacher helps students with vocabulary connected with names of rooms and furniture. Teacher also introduces the propositions of place and phrase 'There is/are”. Teacher makes the sentences on the basis student's constructions. Students repeat each of sentences. (EXAMPLE: Living room: There is a fireplace. It's between the lamps. Etc.)
*ACTIVITY 2: Students listen to recording and each of groups designs new construction of plan of house. They listen twice. Then each of students makes the sentence/s describing one object- What is it? Where is it? (EXAMPLE: It is a sofa. The sofa is in the living room, opposite the fireplace.)
*ACTIVITY 3: Teacher puts into the sack ten objects (or picture of objects) which we can find in the house (EXAMPLE: soap, toothbrush, spoon, book, T-shirt, fork etc.) Students must say what it is, where we can find it and when we can use it. They also can describe object using vocabulary which they know- colors, shapes, size etc. (EXAMPLE: toothbrush-We can find it in the bathroom. We use it when we brush our teeth. Etc.)
mala poprawka w jednym zdaniu:

Students from each team design the construction of plan of room and furniture using colored Cuisenaire rods
Teacher organises the class into 5 teams (how many in each?) Students from
each team 'design the construction of plan' (to cos dziwnie jest - design the plan for...a room...) of room and furniture
'Teacher also introduces' (lepiej...The introduction of....-wiadomo, ze to teacher robi) propositions of place and phrase 'There is/are".
'Teacher makes the sentences' (Sentences constructed on the basis...) on the basis student's constructions. Students repeat each of THE sentences.
*ACTIVITY 2: Students listen to recording and each of THE groups 'designs' DESIGN 'new construction' THE plan of A house. 'They listen twice' (Recording repeated). 'Then' (nie uzywaj tego w lesson plans) 'Each of students' (Each student) makes the sentence/s describing one object
*ACTIVITY 3: 'Teacher puts into the sack ten objects' (nie, nie tak - 10 objects in a sack) 'which we can find' (found in a house) in the house Students 'must say' SAY what it is, where ''we' can find' IT IS FOUND and when 'we' (jakie 'we' ?) IT IS USED. 'They also can describe object' (They describe the object)using KNOWN vocabulary 'which they know' (niepotr)- coloUrs, shapes, size etc.
jesli chodzi o ilosc osob w grupie to zalezy od ilosci osob w klasie dlatego napisala tylko ze ma byc 5 grup b(tyle ile omawianych pomieszczen)
a moze byc tak:
Students from each team design the house plan (rooms and furniture) using..


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie