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Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in 7th V 1840 in Votkinsk, a small town in present-day in Russia. His father, Ilya Petrovitch, was the son of a government mining engineer. His mother, Alexandra, was a Russian woman of partial French ancestry and the second of Ilya's three wives. Pyotr was the older brother (by some ten years) of the dramatist, librettist, and translator Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

After he had learnt in boarding school, he learnt in Imperial School of Jurisprudence.
After this school he could be a lawyer.

Music’s education

He’s first music’s studies He started in autumn 1861 in Antoni Rubinstein’s class in Russian Musical Society. One year later From 1862 to 1865, he studied harmony, counterpoint and fugue with Zaremba. Anton Rubinstein, director and founder of the Conservatory, taught him instrumentation and composition. He ended studies with silver medal in 1865. His certified work was cantata which was based on Schiller’s Ode to Joy. Some months later he worked in Moscow Conservatory.
In 1867 on banquet which was organized by conservatory because of visit famous French composer – Hector Berlioz. Tchaikovsky said speech about how many Russian music owe French.