Podanie-proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojego podania w sprawie pracy wolontariusza. Z góry bardzo dziękuję.
Dear Sir/Madam

I'm writing to know about volunteers job. I have some questions on this job.

I realy like nature and I think that this job is for me. To beging, I would know how old volunteers should be, because I've 16 years old and how many volunteers were in each team. The second, I want to know how much spare time I needed and does I will have to working days or weekends. On the last questions what interested me is in which parks I will be working.

I hope You will answer to me.

Yours faithfully,
Joanna Baranowska
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to (aby) receive more information. I have some qestions concerning (dotyczace) this position (job masz w nastepnym zdaniu, staraj sie unikac powtorzen).
reaLLy,the nature
To begin with I would LIKE TO know ...
I AM 16 years old... how many volunteers are (dlaczego czas przeszly?)
Secondly,...I need and if I have to work during days or weekends.
The last question is in which parks I will work (dlaczego bede pracujacy a nie bede pracowal?)
I hope you answer me.(W ogole raz piszesz w czasie terazniejszym a raz w czasie przeszlym.)
Jesli chcesz powiedziec, ze Ty jestes czyms zainteresowany to :I'm interested in sth.
questions Tak w ogole to przewaznie takie listy sa pisane stylem formalnym.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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