opowiadanie sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie opowiadania
When I have five years, I together with parents went on holidays to the seaside. We lived in pension not for beach. Every day I bathed, I played football with father, with mother I picked shells. All time it was fair weather, the sun shone, shay was clear. In the sea sailed boats, coast sauntered people
One day, during breakfast to pension arrived acquaintance parents Mrs. Marry with dog Lola. At first I was afraided her, because she was so fat end formidable, but quickly turn out, that in only look. She was very gentle and fanced me. Lola was funny, she have high - pitched wnd her hamm, hamm, not at all resound menacingly
For day ago, return home after lunch Mrs. marry said, that Lola whelped. Not knew as that is to say, I pothered and asked.
-As that is to say, that Lola whelped ?
- That is to say, that beared small canine - repled Mrs. Marry
- Hura - screamed. Its great
Away I ran ther see, they were beautifull, two white, one piebald. The next day me returned home, I was sad, all time thought about canine
Two weeks after retrun home visited uns Mrs. Marry. Arivved with Lola and her piebald son. Niped up with joy. We played in the garden, when started rain, we went to home.
Lulek was sweet and funny. Ewening got ouself up me sadly. Knew, that next Mrs. Marry went to home and dogs from her. Then happened something unexpected. Mrs. Marry took Lola, gave up with uns and said for me
- Lulek there is your, care him
Crazed, shouted, ran. Lulek remained with uns
Po pierwsze, przeczytalam ten belkot - nawet nie mam ochoty odpisywac - ale i tak powiem.
Nie tlumacz za pomoca translatora. Drugie, czy uczysz sie jez. ang. w szkole?
Napisz mi dokladnie kto wskazal Ci, ze "When I have five years" to jest po ang.?


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