"My life" - proszę o sprawdzenie!

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My name is Ania Dachowska. I was born on fourteenth of May nineteen ninety-two in Poland. My parents are Polishes. We live in Trzcianka. My mum is bookkeeper and my dad is programmer. I have got sister Alicja. She is ten years old.
My frist school was called Szkoła Podstawowa number three. Now I go to high school number one. I like very my school. My favourite day is Saturday, because I have then free! I love with my friends meet. We like Photos make. We have got many Photos together. I heard Popmusic five years ago. Now I hear Rock and Blues. I like very music hear! That is my favourite entertainment. I read much books. Once I read every day. Now I have got a few time and I read less. I began on the Dyskusyjny Klub Książki last year go.
In free time I’m occupied handmade. I make jewellery, cardes and scrabooking. I’m interested theatre, I belong to theatre ESD. We drive on festivals, we recite and we have fun great!
I’ve got a lot of Interestes, because my life is very curious!
My name is Ania Dachowska. I was born on BRAK fourteenth of May nineteen ninety-two in Poland. My parents are Polish/POLES. We live in Trzcianka. My mum is BRAK bookkeeper and my dad is BRAK programmer. I have got BRAK sister CALLED Alicja. She is ten years old.
My frist
My name is Ania Dachowska. I was born on the fourteenth of May nineteen ninety-two in Poland. My parents are Poles. We live in Trzcianka. My mum is a bookkeeper and my dad is a programmer. I have got a sister Alicja. She is ten years old.
My first school was called elementary school number three. Now I go to high school number one. I very like my school. My favourite day is Saturday, because I don’t go to school! I love meeting with my friends. We like making Photos. We have got many Photos of us together. I list Popmusic five years ago. Now I listen Rock and Blues. I very like music listen! That is my favourite entertainment. I read many books. Once I read every day. Now I have got less a time and I read less. I joined the Dyskusyjny Klub Książki last year ago.
In free time I’m occupied handmade.( W wolnym czasie zajmuję się rękodziełem) I make jewellery, cardes and scrabooking.(pisze się scrabooking – taka odmiana rękodzieła) I’m interested theatre. I belong to theatre ESD. We ride to festivals, we recite (co to za perform??) and we’ve great fun!
I’ve got a lot of Interestes, because my life is very curious!

Dziękuję za sprawdzenie ;]
Tak uczę się niemieckiego!!
I have got a sister CALLED Alicja.
I like my school VERY MUCH. I listENED TO pop music five years ago. Now I listen TO Rock and Blues.
I very like music listen! - DAS WAR DEUTSCH! ZWEI FEHLEREN

Now I have got LESS TIME and I read less.
Dyskusyjny Klub Książki - przecież to przetłumaczyłem

In free time I MAKE handmade ITEMS. I make jewellery, cards and scrabooking.
(pisze się scrabooking - taka odmiana rękodzieła) TO JEST NAZWA CZYNNOŚCI, ALE PRODUKT - TAKI ALBUMIK, JAK ROZUMIEM - TO 'SCRAPBOOK'

I'm interested IN theatre. We ride to festivals, we recite (co to za perform?? - WYSTĘPUJEMY, CO TO 'RECITE' - WIERSZE MÓWICIE?) and we HAVE great fun!

napisałam po prostu scrap :P żeby nie było problemu... tak też się mówi.
a zdanie o tym, że lubię muzykę napisałam: I very like listening to music.
recite - recytować ;) Mówimy wiersze!
a może być In free time I busy handmade ?
I very like liesting to music ;)
'bardzo lubię' - w tekscie jest jeszcze jedno zdanie z ta konstrukcja, ktore poprawilem. Tak jak napisalas jest zle.
we recite poems, samo 'recite' nie wystarcza
nie moze byc z busy handmade
We live in a small/big town/city called Trzcianka
The first school I went to was a primary school number 3
I like my school alot
meeting up with my friends
we like taking photos
now i don't have as much time so i read less
a year ago or last year ya can't say both
interesting life not curious :)
I very like - Coś takiego nie istnieje w angielskim.

I like very much lub, jak już ktos napisał, I like a lot.

Ale nigdy I very like.
Mysle, ze z tym 'very' to jest wina nauczycieli - bo mowia, ze to jest odpowiednik polskiego 'bardzo'.
*I very like- to nic nie znaczy.
I like (something) very much
I like IT very much -
I like something a lot - mniej formalne
sorry, nie dokonczylam-
odpowiednik polskiego 'bardzo' - a wtedy ludzie zaczynaja, tlumaczyc slowo w slowo-
Ja bardzo lubie - '*I very like' zamiast uzywac ang. konstrukcji zdan.
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