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ładnie proszę o rzucenie okiem na poniższą pracę. Jest to recenzja/sprawozdanie z książki "The Chamber" by John Grisham.

The book I would like to describe is “The Chamber”, a famous novel written by John Grisham. This fascinating book tells the story of seventy-year-old man waiting for his death.

Sam Cayhall was found guilty of murdering two boys, who were killed, when he bombed Jewish’s lawyer office. The boys were lawyer’s sons. Sam took part in the bombing as the Ku Klux Klan member and that was only one from among his “operations” for this racist organization.

He is on the Mississippi’s death row now. He hates all the lawyers and rejected their help many times in the past. But his date with the gas chamber is close and the time is running out. Then Adam Hall, a young lawyer arrives. However, Adam is not a usual lawyer. He’s Sam’s grandson. Therefore, Sam accepts Adam’s help.

As the time goes by and their co-operation develops the two men get to know each other. Adam learns about their family’s history. He finds out why his father broke relations with relatives. He meets his aunt, Lee. Unfortunately she reveals some inglorious facts from Cayhall’s life. That weakens Adam’s confidence in Sam.

Nevertheless, Adam perseveres in searching the way to avoid the execution. He speaks to the governor and the Attorney General, sends appeals to the federal court and US Supreme Court. The plot really keeps in suspense and there is a great number of surprising twists.

The book devotes a lot of place for the subject of racism. We find out about Negros’s lynching and Ku Klux Klan members’ hatred for the Jews. Sam, the old, arrogant man, admits his own and other responsibility for racist crimes.
“The Chamber” deals with the problem of capital punishment. Gas chamber is said to be absolutely cruel way of execution. We learn about the feelings of fear and anxiety that fulfill the prisoner who is waiting for his death. The horror of the death row is that convict die a little each day. The waiting kills him.

Sam’s history shows the long-lasting consequences of the terrible crime. Apart from him being on the death row, we find out that Marvin Kramer, who was the target of Sam’s bombing, committed suicide after one year from his sons’ death. Death sentence for Sam, was the reason why his son killed himself. At last, but not the least, Lee - his daughter - becomes alcoholic.

“The Chamber” is certainly a really well written novel that deals with many touchy problems. I have no hesitation in recommending it to everyone who likes thrilling and psychological books. It’s absolutely worth reading.
The book I would like to 'describe' (mozna tez review) is “The Chamber"..
...who were killed, when he bombed A Jewish's lawyer office. The boys were THE lawyer's sons.
Sam took part in the bombing as 'the' 'A' Ku Klux Klan member...
He hates all the lawyers and HAS rejected their help many times in the past. However, Adam is not 'a' THE usual lawyer. H'e's Sam's' (to wyglada niezgrabnie- HE IS Sam's grandson. 'Therefore' (nie, tutaj lepiej And because of this...), Sam accepts Adam's help.
Unfortunately she reveals some 'inglorious' (nie, lepiej inne slowo) facts from Cayhall's
Nevertheless, Adam perseveres in searching FOR 'the' A way to avoid the
execution. He speaks to the governor and the Attorney General, sends
appeals to the Federal Court and THE US Supreme Court. The plot really
keeps (ale kogo?) in suspense and there is a great number of surprising twists.
The book devotes a lot of 'place' TIME for the subject of racism.
Sam, the old, arrogant man, admits his own and otherS responsibility
for racist crimes.
The horror of the death row is that THE convict dieS a little each day.
....committed suicide 'after' (niepotr) one year 'from' AFTER his sons' death.
However, Adam is not 'a' THE usual lawyer.

Czy mogłabyś wyjaśnić, dlaczego tak poprawiłaś?
>>However, Adam is not the usual lawyer (you would expect to meet)
dzieki terri za poprawki.
Wszelkie dalsze sugestie mile widziane ;)


Studia językowe

