sprawdzenie vol.4

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I have been interested in exploring literature since my gymnasium (middle school). In 2005 I participated for a first time in the National Literature Contest for Middle School which embraced the elements of 19. and 20. century Literature. In particular I was working on such problems: painting of 19. century and its influence on literature, a view of women (emancipist, mother of nation), motherland in literature and the reportages of Richard Kapuscinsky. As a preperation to the Contest I learned the conceptions of Romanticism by Maria Janion.

In this year I am takin part in the National Literature Contest for Secondary Schools. I am working on a work entitled "From literature to journalism. The reportage of Ryszard Kapuscinsky". In my work I want to show how far reportages of Kapuscinsky are literary and how far they are journalistic and utility. I would like to compare Kapuscinsky to non-fiction works of Ernest Hemingway.

In following months I am going to take to exams: German Language Certificate (DSD) and Matura Exam. During both exams I am required to prepare a longer oral statement. I decided that my oral statemento for Matura in Polish will be concerned with the view of the Royal Baths Park in Warsaw in literature. For German Language Certificate I am preparing a statement about Human Rights in literature.
In 2005 I participated for 'a' (tutaj jest watek o 'first time, the first time) THE first time in the National Literature Contest for Middle School which embraced the elements of 19 (19 to czytamy jako dziewietnascie - a tutaj potrzebujesz dziewietnastego) 19th and 20TH century Literature. In particular I was working on such problems AS: painting of THE 19TH century and its influence on literature, a view of women ('emancipist'(ortog), mother of nation), motherland in literature and the reportages of Richard Kapuscinsky. As a
'preperation' (ortog) to the Contest I learned the 'conceptions' CONCEPTS of Romanticism by Maria Janion.
In this year I am takinG part in the National Literature Contest for
Secondary Schools. I am working on a work entitled "From literature to
..The reportage of Ryszard Kapuscinsky". ...czy to jest zdanie...cos brakuje
In my work I want to show how far reportages of Kapuscinsky are literary and how far they are journalistic and 'utility' (nie, chyba nie to slowo). I would like to compare Kapuscinsky to non-fiction works of Ernest Hemingway.
In THE following months I am going to take 'to' (dlaczego 'to' - czy to ma byc TWO (2) exams: German Language Certificate (DSD) and THE Matura Exam.
I decided that my oral 'statemento' (ortog) for ..


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