please to check it;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
-Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji

Chcesz zorganizować przyjęcie dla Twoich rodziców. Dzwonisz do cioci i pytasz:
- co możesz przygotować do jedzenia
- gdzie najlepiej zrobić zakupy
- czy znalazłaby czas, aby Ci pomóc.

Hi, I'm going to have a party for my parents. I'd like to ask what meals I can prepare. Where I can do the shopping? Would you tell me if you have free time to help me. I'd be grateful if you could help me with the preparation of this party.

-Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Właśnie wróciłeś z pisemnej matury. W rozmowie z mamą opowiedz:
- jaka była atmosfera
- jak oceniasz egzamin
- co cię najbardziej zaskoczyło
rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający

Hi mum, I've just come back from school. I think that I did well in my written matura. The atmosphere was a bit tense before we had entered the examination room. Everybody realized that it was the most important exam in one's life. All students tried to concentrate and think positively.We were polite to each other. We wished one another to pass the exam with flying colours. In my opinion it was the most difficult matura in the latest few years. Some task were really hard and it took much time to think of the best way to solve it. I was especially shocked by the first task. It was very similar to the task I did the day before. Now I'm waiting for the result.


Robiąc zakupy w sklepie sprzedawca podał ci nieświeżą wędlinę. W rozmowie z nim:
- powiedz, co jest nie tak
- nie zgódź się z jego propozycją
- zażądaj zwrotu pieniędzy
rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający

Excuse me, I must say that the meat you gave me yesterday was past its sell-by date.
I can't agree with your offer, I'm not going to buy meat from your store even for half price. I demand to get a full refund.
>-Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji
Hi, I'm going to 'have' (tutaj mozesz uzyc tez slowa 'give') a party for my parents. I'd like to ask YOU what meals I 'can' (moze lepiej 'should') prepare. Where 'I can' CAN I do the shopping?

-Relacjonowanie wydarzeń
Hi Mum, I've just 'come back' (lepiej slowo 'returned') from school. The atmosphere was a bit tense before we 'had' (wg mnie niepotr) entered the examination room. Everybody realized that it was the most
important exam in 'one's' (zle uzycie slowa - tutaj lepiej THEIR) life.
We wished one another GOOD LUCK to pass the exam with flying colours. In my opinion it was the most difficult matura in the 'latest' LAST few years. Some taskS were really hard and it took much time to think of the best way to solve 'it' THEM dlatego, ze tasks to l. mnoga).

Excuse me, (dodaj UNFORTUNATELY, I 'must say' HAVE TO TELL YOU that the meat you gave me yesterday was past its sell-by date.
I demand 'to get' (to jest niepotr)(ale mozesz dodac..I demand that you give me) a full refund.


English only


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