Please check my letter ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi, I'm enclosing my letter below which I've written as a homework to school.
If you see any grammatical mistake, please post here :)

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to apply for the post of recepcionist at Jack’s Hotel which was advertised in last Saturday’s edition of Gazeta Lubuska.

I have considerable experience of working with people. As shown in my CV, I have already worked for six months as a shop assistant in a supermarket. That was a part-time job. My responsibilities there included taking orders and serving customers. I am the right person for this job because I am confident and experienced man, who enjoy dealing with the public.

I consider myself to be reliable, very hard-working and intelligent. If necessary, I can supply references from the supermarket owner and also from a teacher at my school.

I would be very grateful for the opportunity to visit the hotel and discuss my application with you in person. I am available for interview any day after after school or on Saturdays. If my application is successful, I will be available to start work on 23 July, after my exams.

I am enclosing my CV.

Yours faithfully,

...for the post of a receptionist... Jack's Hotel, which was advertised... indicated in my CV...
...It was a part-time job...
...because I am a confident man and an experienced employee who enjoys dealing with people...
...I am available for an interview... (ty nie jestem pewien, ale chyba "at any day"...
Dear Aunty Rose!
Thank you very much for your letter. I came back from school, opened letter-box and saw letter for me. I was very happy and at once opened envelope.
Thank you for nice words. I hope we meet (chyba powinno tu być 'at' albo 'on' ale nie jestem pewna) next summer. I would like to show Jordan (Jordan's) Poland.
I was on Dorotka's birthady. Small Jarek to walk already. He is so sweet and beloved.
Now I'm reading really interesting book: "Twilight" Stephanie Meyer. I like it but in school I have a lot of study and I haven't time. We are in good health. Mum and dad work, Lukas too. Andrzej visit us sometimes. We will go to him at next Saturday. Weather is good - warm and sunny but Autumn slow come to us.
Please give my birthady wishes to aunty Susan.
wit love from Monika

Z gory dziekuje za poprawienie bledow :)
>. I hope we meet (chyba powinno tu być 'at' albo 'on' ale nie jestem pewna) next summer.

next for example summer is used without preposition, next summer

Poza tym niektóre zdania nie są zrozumiałe, ponieważ nie posiadają wszystkich części zdania, np. , a przede wszystkim nie używasz końcówki S w 3 osobie liczby pojedynczej.
Jeszcze jedno. To jest list, więc trzeba używać tzw. linking words czyli wyrażenia łaczące poszczególne zdania lub akapity listu odpowiednimi wyrażeniami.
A ktore to sa zdania ? i w ktorych czesciach listu powinno sie stosowac takie łączniki ?
Prosze o poprawienie bledow...;)

Dear Aunty Rose
Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry I haven't written so long but I was very busy. I have to learn in school. I would like to Christmas and will have some days off from school.
My school organize language camp in London at winter holiday on week. I really would like to go London too.
In Poland is so cold and wet.
I saw Amanda's photos on her website an Brian's photos.
I will finish because I must learn. Please give my love to uncle John, Melissa and Jordan.

with love from Monika
I am writing to apply for the post of 'recepcionist' (ortog) at Jack's Hotel
which was advertised in last Saturday's edition of Gazeta Lubuska.
I am the right person for this job because I am A confident and AN experienced man, who enjoyS dealing with (members of) the public.

I am available for interview any day 'after' (niepotr) after 'school' (moze lepiej podaj godz. np 4p.m.). or on Saturdays.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe