sprawdzenie opowiadania!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o poprawienie błędów tego opowiadania.. z góry dziękuję :)

The best day of my last holidays was in Zakopane. This day I spent with my parents. For the first time we went to Morskie
Oko. It was very longly way there – nine km to one side.
I took my rucksack and we started on one’s way at nine o’clock. In the beginning we rode by bus. Next we bought tikets and we hiked. It was beautiful weather then. I took photos because there was many beautiful views. Tatry are really wonderful. We stayed in mountain chalet and we ate dinner there. We went four hours then. Many people admired beautiful Morskie oko on place. We relaxed and next we have returned to hotel.
The way was very quickly.
I was very proudly of myself that day.
In the Afternoon I went shopping in Krupówki. I bought a lot of souvenirs.
In the Evening we watched the film under bare sky in Krupówki. Then we have returned to hotel. There was wonderful day.
>Bardzo proszę o poprawienie błędów tego opowiadania.. z góry dziękuję

A ja bym bardzo prosiła (gdybym to ja miała to zrobić) najpierw o informację, czy chcesz za to zarobić ocenę. I też z góry dziękuję. :-)