prośba o sprawdzenia muszĘ MIEĆ NA JUTRO!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1.A: Excuse me, how much do you charge for a first class letter to the USA?
B: It cost 10 dolars.
A: Can I send these food by post?
B: The fresh food don't send by post.

2. Customer: Excuse me, I would like to know, is this restaurant have special chairs for children? What is "the soup of the day'?
Waiter: The chairs are in " the room of birthday' for children. Unfortunately, these chairs are booked now. The soup of the day is borsch.

3. Patient : Excuse me, I'd like to know, cardiologist in the medical centre is now. I'd like to talk with him. What is cost this conversation?(czy kardiolog jest teraz w szpitalu. jaki jest koszt takiej rozmowy?)
Nurse: The cardiologist is in(at?)the medical centre, but he is doing the tests now. When he will finish, you could talk with him. Please, wait. A conversation is free for patients with the insurance card.

4. troche nie rozumiem tutaj polecenia facet rozmawia z kierowcą autobusu i ma się go tak zapytać - The passenger wants to know where to get off for the railway station. Ja to zrozumiałam w ten sposób ze pasazer chce wiedzieć gdzie wysiąść aby dotrzec do stacji kolejowej. Nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumiałam. Jeśli ktos wie co to znaczy proszę o wymyślenie A i B co pyta pasazer i co odpowiada kierowca.

5. A: Do I pay for my luggage?
B: No. The price of ticket included the price of luggage. ( cena biletu zawiera już cene bagażu)
A: Can I send 'these' THIS food by post?
B: 'The' (niepotr) Fresh food 'don't' (calkowicie zle slowo, tutaj CANNOT BE 'send' SENT by post.
2. Customer: Excuse me, I would like to know, 'is' DOES this restaurant have
special chairs for children?
Waiter: The chairs are in "the room of birthday'(zle okreslenie, tutaj 'BIRTHDAY ROOM' for children.
3. Patient: Excuse me, I'd like to know(,) (po to ten przecinek tutaj, co on dodaje do zdania?) IF THE cardiologist IS in the medical centre 'is' (niepotr) JUST now.
What is THE cost OF 'this' SUCH A conversation?
Nurse: The cardiologist is in the medical centre, but he is doing
'the' (niepotr) tests now. When he 'will finish' FINISHES, you could talk with him. 'A' THE conversation is free for patients with 'the' AN insurance card.
4. Dobrze zrozumiales polecenia. Napisz sam, to jeszcze mamy czas poprawic.
5. B: No. The price of THE ticket 'included' INCLUDES the price of THE luggage.